Women love compliments - for the first year or two of a relationship. And then they still love compliments, but never from you. Here are three annoying but all-too-common replies to the simple and affectionate statement: “You’re looking lovely tonight, sweetheart”.“Are you mad. I look terrible. No wonder I can’t trust anything you say.” “Ah, thanks, that’s sweet. What do you want?” “Oh come on, you’re a man, you’d fancy anything in a short skirt.”The usual follow-up to such an exchange, delivered a few weeks later, is this:“You never give me compliments anymore.”
在恋爱一两年时间里,女人喜欢被自己被恭维 。接下来她们还是喜欢被恭维,但是是被别人恭维 。举几个很寻常的例子 。男:“亲爱的,你今晚看起来很美 。”女:“你没毛病吧,我今天看起来这么糟,我才不信你呢 。”男:“哦,那你想我怎么说?” 女:“得了吧,你是个男人,只要穿短裙,你都觉得好 。”往往在这样的对话以后的几周时间里,你会得到她这样的反馈:“你就不会对我说点好听的吗?”