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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第25章Part 5

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Free from debt, and with no fear for his personal liberty, or the seizure of his goods, what else but such a state of madness could have hurried him away alone and secretly? As to his carrying some apparel with him, if he had really done so - and they were not even sure of that - he might have done so, the Captain argued, to prevent inquiry, to distract attention from his probable fate, or to ease the very mind that was now revolving all these possibilities. Such, reduced into plain language, and condensed within a small compass, was the final result and substance of Captain Cuttle's deliberations: which took a long time to arrive at this pass, and were, like some more public deliberations, very discursive and disorderly.他已经没有债务,不用害怕失去个人自由或没收他的财物,除了这种精神失常的状态之外,还有什么别的原因使他孑然一身,急急忙忙地、偷偷摸摸地从家里跑出去呢?至于他如果真的带走一些物品的话——他们甚至对这一点也还不是很肯定的——,那么,船长判断,他这样做可能是为了防止对他进行调查追究,转移对他可能死亡的疑虑或者是为了使那些现在正在反复琢磨着所有这些可能性的人们放心。如果用明白的语言和简洁的形式叙述出来的话,那么卡特尔船长思考的最后结果和主要内容就是这样一些。卡特尔船长是经过很长时间的思考才得到这个结论的;就像其他一些比较公开的思考一样,它们是很散漫、很混乱的。
Dejected and despondent in the extreme, Captain Cuttle felt it just to release Rob from the arrest in which he had placed him, and to enlarge him, subject to a kind of honourable inspection which he still resolved to exercise; and having hired a man, from Brogley the Broker, to sit in the shop during their absence, the Captain, taking Rob with him, issued forth upon a dismal quest after the mortal remains of Solomon Gills.卡特尔船长垂头丧气、灰心失望到了极点;他曾经使罗布处于被逮捕状态,他觉得现在应当解除他的这种状态,并在对他进行体面的监督(这是他决定仍要进行的)之后,把他释放。船长从经纪人布罗格利那里雇来了一个人在他们外出期间看守店铺,然后就带着罗布一道出发,忧心忡忡地去寻找所罗门·吉尔斯的遗骸。
Not a station-house, or bone-house, or work-house in the metropolis escaped a visitation from the hard glazed hat. Along the wharves, among the shipping on the bank-side, up the river, down the river, here, there, everywhere, it went gleaming where men were thickest, like the hero's helmet in an epic battle. For a whole week the Captain read of all the found and missing people in all the newspapers and handbills, and went forth on expeditions at all hours of the day to identify Solomon Gills, in poor little ship-boys who had fallen overboard, and in tall foreigners with dark beards who had taken poison - 'to make sure,' Captain Cuttle said, 'that it wam't him.' It is a sure thing that it never was, and that the good Captain had no other satisfaction.在这个都城中,没有一个派出所,没有一处无名尸体招领处,没有一个救贫院,那顶上了光的硬帽子不曾前去访问过。在码头上,在岸边的船的中间,在河流的上游,在河流的下游,这里,那里,每一个地点,它都像史诗描写的战役中的英雄的钢盔一般,在人群稠密的地方闪耀着亮光。船长整个星期念着所有报纸和传单中找到人和丢失人的消息,一天中的每个小时都走着远路,去把那些掉进水里的可怜的年轻的见习船员、那些服毒自杀的、长着黑胡子、身材高大的外国人仔细辨认,究竟是不是所罗门·吉尔斯。“查查确实,”卡特尔船长说,“那不是他。”这倒是千真万确,并不是他,善良的船长得不到其他安慰。
Captain Cuttle at last abandoned these attempts as hopeless, and set himself to consider what was to be done next. After several new perusals of his poor friend's letter, he considered that the maintenance of' a home in the old place for Walter' was the primary duty imposed upon him. Therefore, the Captain's decision was, that he would keep house on the premises of Solomon Gills himself, and would go into the instrument-business, and see what came of it.卡特尔船长终于放弃了这些毫无希望的尝试,考虑他下一步该做什么。他把他可怜的朋友的信重新细读了几次之后认为,“在老地方为沃尔特保留一个家”,这是托付给他的主要责任。因此,船长决定移居到所罗门·吉尔斯家中,经营仪器生意,看看这样做有什么结果。

Free from debt, and with no fear for his personal liberty, or the seizure of his goods, what else but such a state of madness could have hurried him away alone and secretly? As to his carrying some apparel with him, if he had really done so - and they were not even sure of that - he might have done so, the Captain argued, to prevent inquiry, to distract attention from his probable fate, or to ease the very mind that was now revolving all these possibilities. Such, reduced into plain language, and condensed within a small compass, was the final result and substance of Captain Cuttle's deliberations: which took a long time to arrive at this pass, and were, like some more public deliberations, very discursive and disorderly.
Dejected and despondent in the extreme, Captain Cuttle felt it just to release Rob from the arrest in which he had placed him, and to enlarge him, subject to a kind of honourable inspection which he still resolved to exercise; and having hired a man, from Brogley the Broker, to sit in the shop during their absence, the Captain, taking Rob with him, issued forth upon a dismal quest after the mortal remains of Solomon Gills.
Not a station-house, or bone-house, or work-house in the metropolis escaped a visitation from the hard glazed hat. Along the wharves, among the shipping on the bank-side, up the river, down the river, here, there, everywhere, it went gleaming where men were thickest, like the hero's helmet in an epic battle. For a whole week the Captain read of all the found and missing people in all the newspapers and handbills, and went forth on expeditions at all hours of the day to identify Solomon Gills, in poor little ship-boys who had fallen overboard, and in tall foreigners with dark beards who had taken poison - 'to make sure,' Captain Cuttle said, 'that it wam't him.' It is a sure thing that it never was, and that the good Captain had no other satisfaction.
Captain Cuttle at last abandoned these attempts as hopeless, and set himself to consider what was to be done next. After several new perusals of his poor friend's letter, he considered that the maintenance of' a home in the old place for Walter' was the primary duty imposed upon him. Therefore, the Captain's decision was, that he would keep house on the premises of Solomon Gills himself, and would go into the instrument-business, and see what came of it.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
maintenance ['meintinəns]


n. 维护,保持,维修,生活费用
n. 供给,

enlarge [in'lɑ:dʒ]


v. 扩大,增大

inspection [in'spekʃən]


n. 检查,视察

discursive [di'skə:siv]


adj. 散漫的,无层次的

disorderly [dis'ɔ:dəli]


adj. 混乱的,无秩序的;骚乱的;无法无天的 adv.

helmet ['helmit]


n. 头盔,遮阳帽,盔甲

compass ['kʌmpəs]


n. 指南针,圆规
vt. 图谋,包围,达成

release [ri'li:s]


n. 释放,让渡,发行
vt. 释放,让与,准

dismal ['dizməl]


adj. 阴沉的,凄凉的,暗的

extreme [ik'stri:m]


adj. 极度的,极端的
n. 极端,极限





