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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第25章Part 2

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The boy produced a sealed packet, which Captain Cuttle stared at as he had stared at the keys.孩子取出一个封好的小包裹。卡特尔张大眼睛看着它,就跟刚才张大眼睛看着钥匙一样。
'When I woke this morning, Captain,' said Rob, 'which was about a quarter after five, I found these on my pillow. The shop-door was unbolted and unlocked, and Mr Gills gone.'“我今天早上醒来的时候,船长,”罗布说道,“那是五点一刻光景,我在枕头上发现了这些东西。店铺的门没有闩上,也没有上锁。吉尔斯先生走了!”
'Gone!' roared the Captain.“走了!”船长大声喊道。
'Flowed, Sir,' returned Rob.“悄悄地走了,先生,”罗布回答道。
The Captain's voice was so tremendous, and he came out of his corner with such way on him, that Rob retreated before him into another corner: holding out the keys and packet, to prevent himself from being run down.船长的声音非常可怕,他从角落里直冲冲地向罗布跑来,罗布就退缩到另一个角落里,递出钥匙和包包,免得被他撞倒。
'For Captain Cuttle, Sir,' cried Rob, 'is on the keys, and on the packet too. Upon my word and honour, Captain Cuttle, I don't know anything more about it. I wish I may die if I do! Here's a sitiwation for a lad that's just got a sitiwation,' cried the unfortunate Grinder, screwing his cuff into his face: 'his master bolted with his place, and him blamed for it!'“‘给卡特尔船长’,先生,”罗布喊道,“是写在钥匙上,也写在包裹上的。说实话,我敢用荣誉向您保证,卡特尔船长,我再也不知道别的了。如果我知道的话,我但愿自己就死掉。一个刚刚找到工作的小伙子想不到竟会落到这样的下场,”不幸的磨工用袖头擦着脸孔,哭道,“他的主人逃跑了,他却受到了责怪!”
These lamentations had reference to Captain Cuttle's gaze, or rather glare, which was full of vague suspicions, threatenings, and denunciations. Taking the proffered packet from his hand, the Captain opened it and read as follows:-这些怨言是由于卡特尔船长的注视,或者正确地说,是由于他瞪着眼睛所引起的,因为在他的眼光中充满了怀疑、威胁和责难。船长从他手中取过包裹,打开它,念着以下的字句:
'My dear Ned Cuttle. Enclosed is my will!' The Captain turned it over, with a doubtful look - 'and Testament - Where's the Testament?' said the Captain, instantly impeaching the ill-fated Grinder. 'What have you done with that, my lad?'“我亲爱的内德·卡特尔,这里所附的是我的一般遗嘱!”船长用怀疑的眼光把纸翻过来,“和处理财产的遗嘱——处理财产的遗嘱在哪里?”船长立即责问倒霉的磨工,“我的孩子,你把它弄到哪里去了?”
'I never see it,' whimpered Rob. 'Don't keep on suspecting an innocent lad, Captain. I never touched the Testament.'“我从来没有看见它,”罗布啜泣道,“请别怀疑一个清白无辜的孩子,船长。处理财产的遗嘱,我从来没有碰到过!”
Captain Cuttle shook his head, implying that somebody must be made answerable for it; and gravely proceeded:卡特尔船长摇摇头,意味着得有人对这负责,又继续念道。
'Which don't break open for a year, or until you have decisive intelligence of my dear Walter, who is dear to you, Ned, too, I am sure.' The Captain paused and shook his head in some emotion; then, as a re-establishment of his dignity in this trying position, looked with exceeding sternness at the Grinder. 'If you should never hear of me, or see me more, Ned, remember an old friend as he will remember you to the last - kindly; and at least until the period I have mentioned has expired, keep a home in the old place for Walter. There are no debts, the loan from Dombey's House is paid off and all my keys I send with this. Keep this quiet, and make no inquiry for me; it is useless. So no more, dear Ned, from your true friend, Solomon Gills.' The Captain took a long breath, and then read these words written below: 'The boy Rob, well recommended, as I told you, from Dombey's House. If all else should come to the hammer, take care, Ned, of the little Midshipman.'“一年之内或者在你得到我亲爱的沃尔特的确凿消息之前,请别打开它。我相信,内德,沃尔特也是你亲爱的人。”船长停了一下,激动地点点头,然后,为了在这难堪的时刻维持他的尊严,非常严厉地看着磨工,“如果你再也听不到我的消息,再也看不到我的话,那么,内德,你就记住一位老朋友吧,正像他将会亲切地记住你一样,直到生命的最后时刻;至少在我所说的期限来到之前,请在老地方为沃尔特保留一个家。我已没有债务,从董贝公司借来的钱已经还清,我所有的钥匙连同这个包包一并交给你。请不要声张,也不要打听我的下落;那样做是徒劳无益的。好了,没有别的话要说的了,内德,你的忠实的朋友,所罗门·吉尔斯。”船长深深地吸了一口气,然后再念以下的字句:“罗布这孩子,我跟你说过,董贝公司推荐得不错。内德,如果所有其余的东西都要拿去拍卖的话,那么那个小小的海军军官候补生你得好好看管着。”

The boy produced a sealed packet, which Captain Cuttle stared at as he had stared at the keys.
'When I woke this morning, Captain,' said Rob, 'which was about a quarter after five, I found these on my pillow. The shop-door was unbolted and unlocked, and Mr Gills gone.'
'Gone!' roared the Captain.
'Flowed, Sir,' returned Rob.
The Captain's voice was so tremendous, and he came out of his corner with such way on him, that Rob retreated before him into another corner: holding out the keys and packet, to prevent himself from being run down.
'For Captain Cuttle, Sir,' cried Rob, 'is on the keys, and on the packet too. Upon my word and honour, Captain Cuttle, I don't know anything more about it. I wish I may die if I do! Here's a sitiwation for a lad that's just got a sitiwation,' cried the unfortunate Grinder, screwing his cuff into his face: 'his master bolted with his place, and him blamed for it!'
These lamentations had reference to Captain Cuttle's gaze, or rather glare, which was full of vague suspicions, threatenings, and denunciations. Taking the proffered packet from his hand, the Captain opened it and read as follows:-
'My dear Ned Cuttle. Enclosed is my will!' The Captain turned it over, with a doubtful look - 'and Testament - Where's the Testament?' said the Captain, instantly impeaching the ill-fated Grinder. 'What have you done with that, my lad?'
'I never see it,' whimpered Rob. 'Don't keep on suspecting an innocent lad, Captain. I never touched the Testament.'
Captain Cuttle shook his head, implying that somebody must be made answerable for it; and gravely proceeded:
'Which don't break open for a year, or until you have decisive intelligence of my dear Walter, who is dear to you, Ned, too, I am sure.' The Captain paused and shook his head in some emotion; then, as a re-establishment of his dignity in this trying position, looked with exceeding sternness at the Grinder. 'If you should never hear of me, or see me more, Ned, remember an old friend as he will remember you to the last - kindly; and at least until the period I have mentioned has expired, keep a home in the old place for Walter. There are no debts, the loan from Dombey's House is paid off and all my keys I send with this. Keep this quiet, and make no inquiry for me; it is useless. So no more, dear Ned, from your true friend, Solomon Gills.' The Captain took a long breath, and then read these words written below: 'The boy Rob, well recommended, as I told you, from Dombey's House. If all else should come to the hammer, take care, Ned, of the little Midshipman.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
innocent ['inəsnt]


adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

reference ['refrəns]


n. 参考,出处,参照
n. 推荐人,推荐函<



adj. 被附上的;与世隔绝的 v. 附上(enclos

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报

decisive [di'saisiv]


adj. 决定性的

hammer ['hæmə]


n. 锤,榔头
vi. 锤击,反复敲打

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

loan [ləun]


n. 贷款,借出,债权人
v. 借,供应货款,

dignity ['digniti]


n. 尊严,高贵,端庄





