In terms of specs, performance, and features, the iPhone 5 is Apple's best to date. This doesn't mean it's as good as it could be, however. If Apple wants to truly offer a "superior" phone, here's a look at what competing phones already offer.
说到规格、性能和功能,iPhone 5是苹果迄今为止最好的手机了 。但这并不意味着它已经足够好了 。如果苹果想真正提供“更好”的手机,看看这里手机竞争对手已经提供的功能吧 。
Pay for your coffee.
Instead of building NFC into the iPhone, Apple would rather have you use its Passbook system, which lets users store tickets, gift cards, boarding passes, and the like.
苹果没有大力开发NFC(近场通信)技术,它反而推出了Passbook票据服务系统,Passbook可以让用户存电影票,礼物卡,登记证等票据 。
It can handle some (but definitely not all) of the tasks that NFC can handle. For example, you can't use Passbook to wirelessly send money to a friend via PayPal.
它可以处理NFC所能处理的一些任务,但并非全部 。例如,用户无法利用Passbook来通过PayPal向朋友汇钱 。
NFC also lets you beam content between devices just by tapping them together. Samsung's Galaxy S III takes advantage of this feature.
NFC还可以让你通过触碰手机传输内容 。三星Galaxy S3已经在该功能上占了优势 。