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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第22章Part 2

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
'We thought in those days: you and I both: that she would marry young, and lead a happy and light-hearted life,' pursued the other. 'Oh if you knew how cheerfully she cast those hopes away; how cheerfully she has gone forward on the path she took, and never once looked back; you never could say again that her name was strange in your ears. Never!'"我们在那些日子里,你和我都这么想,她将在年轻的时候出嫁,过幸福的、无忧无虑的生活,"另一位继续说道,"啊,如果你知道她是多么愉快地抛弃了这些希望,她是多么愉快地在她所走上的道路上前进,一次也没有往后回顾的话,那么你就决不会再说她的名字在你的耳朵里是陌生的了。决不会的!"
Again the Manager inclined his head and showed his teeth, and seemed to say, 'Remarkable indeed! You quite surprise me!' And again he uttered never a word.经理又低下头,露出牙齿,似乎要说,"这确实了不起!你真使我大吃一惊!"可是他又一句话也没有说。
'May I go on?' said John Carker, mildly."我可以继续说下去吗?"约翰·卡克温和地问道。
'On your way?' replied his smiling brother. 'If you will have the goodness."说你要走了吗?"笑嘻嘻的弟弟回答道,"如果你肯行个好,那就请吧。"
John Carker, with a sigh, was passing slowly out at the door, when his brother's voice detained him for a moment on the threshold.约翰·卡克叹了一口气,正慢吞吞地走出门口,这时他弟弟的声音又把他在门槛上留住了片刻。
'If she has gone, and goes, her own way cheerfully,' he said, throwing the still unfolded letter on his desk, and putting his hands firmly in his pockets, 'you may tell her that I go as cheerfully on mine. If she has never once looked back, you may tell her that I have, sometimes, to recall her taking part with you, and that my resolution is no easier to wear away;' he smiled very sweetly here; 'than marble.'"如果她已经愉快地走过并正在继续走着她自己的道路的话,"他把那封仍然没有展开的信扔到办公桌上,把手坚决地伸进衣袋里,说,"那么你可以告诉她,我也同样愉快地走着我自己的道路。如果她一次也没有往后回顾的话,那么你可以告诉她,我有时却往后回顾,以便回忆她是怎样走到你那边去的;你可以告诉她,要改变我的决心,不比搬走大理石容易。"这时他很快乐地微笑着。
'I tell her nothing of you. We never speak about you. Once a year, on your birthday, Harriet says always, Let us remember James by name, and wish him happy, but we say no more'"你的任何事情我都不告诉她。我们从来不谈论你。每年一次,在你的生日,哈里特老是这样说,'让我们记得詹姆士,祝愿他幸福吧。'但是我们就不再说别的了。"
'Tell it then, if you please,' returned the other, 'to yourself. You can't repeat it too often, as a lesson to you to avoid the subject in speaking to me. I know no Harriet Carker. There is no such person. You may have a sister; make much of her. I have none.'"那就请告诉你自己吧,"另一位回答道,"你跟我谈话的时候务必避开这个话题。你可以把这作为一个教训,不断地重复地记住它。我不知道哈里特·卡克。世界上没有这样一个人。你可以有一个姐姐,对她赞不绝口。我没有。"
Mr Carker the Manager took up the letter again, and waved it with a smile of mock courtesy towards the door. Unfolding it as his brother withdrew, and looking darkly aiter him as he left the room, he once more turned round in his elbow-chair, and applied himself to a diligent perusal of its contents.经理卡克又拿起那封信,带者嘲弄性的礼貌微笑了一下,挥着它,指向门口。他的哥哥开始往外走的时候,他把它展开;当他恶狠狠地目送着他离开房间以后,他在扶手椅子中又转回了身子,开始专心地阅读这封信。
It was in the writing of his great chief, Mr Dombey, and dated from Leamington. Though he was a quick reader of all other letters, Mr Carker read this slowly; weighing the words as he went, and bringing every tooth in his head to bear upon them. When he had read it through once, he turned it over again, and picked out these passages. 'I find myself benefited by the change, and am not yet inclined to name any time for my return.' 'I wish, Carker, you would arrange to come down once and see me here, and let me know how things are going on, in person.' 'I omitted to speak to you about young Gay. If not gone per Son and Heir, or if Son and Heir still lying in the Docks, appoint some other young man and keep him in the City for the present. I am not decided.' 'Now that's unfortunate!' said Mr Carker the Manager, expanding his mouth, as if it were made of India-rubber: 'for he's far away.'这是他的伟大的老板董贝先生的亲笔信,从莱明顿寄出的。虽然卡克先生看其他的信都看得很快,但这封信他却慢慢读着,琢磨着每一个字,所有的牙齿都对着它们。他读完一遍以后,又重新读了一遍,特别注意以下这些段落:"我觉得这次变换环境对我有益,我现在还不打算确定回来的日期。""我希望,卡克,您能设法到这里来一趟看看我,让我亲自了解业务的进展情况。""我忘了跟您谈起年轻人盖伊。如果他还没有乘'儿子和继承人'出发,或者如果'儿子和继承人'还停泊在码头,那就指派另外的年轻人去,把他暂时留在城里。我还没有打定主意。""现在可真不幸!"经理卡克先生说,一边把嘴张开得大大的,仿佛它是由橡皮做成似的;"因为他已经离开得远远的了。"
Still that passage, which was in a postscript, attracted his attention and his teeth, once more.仍旧是这作为附言的一段再一次吸引了他的注意和他的牙齿。
'I think,' he said, 'my good friend Captain Cuttle mentioned something about being towed along in the wake of that day. What a pity he's so far away!'"我想,"他说,"我的好朋友卡特尔船长那天曾说过,盖伊今后会被绳子拖着前进。真可惜,他已经离开得远远的了。"

'We thought in those days: you and I both: that she would marry young, and lead a happy and light-hearted life,' pursued the other. 'Oh if you knew how cheerfully she cast those hopes away; how cheerfully she has gone forward on the path she took, and never once looked back; you never could say again that her name was strange in your ears. Never!'
Again the Manager inclined his head and showed his teeth, and seemed to say, 'Remarkable indeed! You quite surprise me!' And again he uttered never a word.
'May I go on?' said John Carker, mildly.
'On your way?' replied his smiling brother. 'If you will have the goodness.
John Carker, with a sigh, was passing slowly out at the door, when his brother's voice detained him for a moment on the threshold.
'If she has gone, and goes, her own way cheerfully,' he said, throwing the still unfolded letter on his desk, and putting his hands firmly in his pockets, 'you may tell her that I go as cheerfully on mine. If she has never once looked back, you may tell her that I have, sometimes, to recall her taking part with you, and that my resolution is no easier to wear away;' he smiled very sweetly here; 'than marble.'
'I tell her nothing of you. We never speak about you. Once a year, on your birthday, Harriet says always, Let us remember James by name, and wish him happy, but we say no more'
'Tell it then, if you please,' returned the other, 'to yourself. You can't repeat it too often, as a lesson to you to avoid the subject in speaking to me. I know no Harriet Carker. There is no such person. You may have a sister; make much of her. I have none.'
Mr Carker the Manager took up the letter again, and waved it with a smile of mock courtesy towards the door. Unfolding it as his brother withdrew, and looking darkly aiter him as he left the room, he once more turned round in his elbow-chair, and applied himself to a diligent perusal of its contents.
It was in the writing of his great chief, Mr Dombey, and dated from Leamington. Though he was a quick reader of all other letters, Mr Carker read this slowly; weighing the words as he went, and bringing every tooth in his head to bear upon them. When he had read it through once, he turned it over again, and picked out these passages. 'I find myself benefited by the change, and am not yet inclined to name any time for my return.' 'I wish, Carker, you would arrange to come down once and see me here, and let me know how things are going on, in person.' 'I omitted to speak to you about young Gay. If not gone per Son and Heir, or if Son and Heir still lying in the Docks, appoint some other young man and keep him in the City for the present. I am not decided.' 'Now that's unfortunate!' said Mr Carker the Manager, expanding his mouth, as if it were made of India-rubber: 'for he's far away.'
Still that passage, which was in a postscript, attracted his attention and his teeth, once more.
'I think,' he said, 'my good friend Captain Cuttle mentioned something about being towed along in the wake of that day. What a pity he's so far away!'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
courtesy ['kə:tisi]


n. 礼貌,好意,恩惠

mock [mɔk]


v. 嘲笑,嘲弄,模仿
n. 嘲笑,戏弄,模仿

remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

diligent ['dilidʒənt]


adj. 勤奋的,用功的

resolution [.rezə'lu:ʃən]


n. 决心,决定,坚决,决议,解决,分辨率

expanding [iks'pændiŋ]



cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯

marble ['mɑ:bl]


n. 大理石
vt. 使有大理石的花纹

unfortunate [ʌn'fɔ:tʃənit]


adj. 不幸的,令人遗憾的,不成功的





