Two months after viewers watched the shock death of Lady Sybil, the Crawley family lost another popular member of the family in the Christmas special of Downton Abbey.
在经历了三小姐Lady Sybil的死亡后两个月,《唐顿庄园》剧迷们又要再一次经历剧中角色的离去。在2012年的圣诞特辑中,Crawley家族中又有一位魅力角色离去。
Actor Dan Stevens bowed out after three series as Matthew Crawley shortly after becoming a father for the first time.
剧中的重要角色“大表哥Matthew Crawley”首次当了父亲,但在出演了三季《唐顿庄园》后,饰演该角色的丹·史蒂文斯宣布告别。
After meeting his and wife Lady Mary's baby boy in the hospital after missing the birth, a jubilant Matthew rushes home to Downton Abbey in the car to tell the family about the new addition to the family.
Matthew错过了妻子Lady Mary的生产时刻,在医院见完妻子和孩子,Matthew急匆匆的开车赶回家告知家人,Crawley家族又添了一位新成员。
However, on the way back to the estate, his car collides with a van, leaving a bloodied Matthew dead.
但在回家的路上,Matthew的车与一辆货车相撞,浑身是血的Matthew 倒在地上死去。
Matthew's death comes after weeks of speculation Stevens, 30, would exit the soap as his career began to take off in Hollywood.
In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Dan admitted it was 'weird' to be leaving the ITV period drama, but he was looking forward to new roles in the future.
He said: 'It is a desire for freedom really.
'I don’t see money or a particular status as an actor as a goal but I want to do the best work I can in as interesting a range of roles as I can. And I think a moment like this is quite unique and presents those opportunities more than ever before'.
His death brought a wave of grief from Downton Abbey fans on Twitter, with many complaining they had barely got used to seeing Lady Mary and Matthew finally together after two series of will-they-won't-they.'
Matthew的死亡也在推特上引起《唐顿庄园》粉丝们的伤感情绪,大部分剧迷都在抱怨,Lady Mary和Matthew 经过两季的分分合合终于在一起,甜蜜都还没看够这一对就散了。