An iPad would normally be considered a pretty substantial gift this holiday season. Thanks to a fortunate error by Best Buy, a couple of shoppers can now use the tablet computer for stocking stuffers.
iPad通常被认为是节日季的一份很实际的大礼。由于百思买(Best Buy)的一次幸运的过失,一对买家现在可以把这个平板电脑当作是圣诞节的尊贵礼物了。
Best Buy customer Alexa had ordered one iPad and was shocked when a neatly packed box of five showed up at her door. Legally, you can keep anything that is sent to you, whether you paid for it or not. But, through the website The Consumerist, the woman still contacted Best Buy and asked if there was a way she could return the items she didn’t pay for.
Alexa在百思买订购了一台iPad,却惊喜地收到了一个大盒子,里面有五台iPad!法律上来说,无论你有无付款,凡发给你的货物都归你所有。但通过The Consumerist网站,Alexa还是联系到了百思买,询问她是否可以退回那些没付款的商品。
This is the letter she got back:
Good afternoon, Alexa –
Laura, from the Consumerist, contacted us here at Best Buy on your behalf. First and foremost, I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your honesty. That is so rare in this day and age and I sincerely thank you!
The Consumerist(消费者)网站的Laura代你联系到我们百思买公司。首先,我们非常感谢你的诚实,这在这个时代是如此地罕见,真心谢谢你!
We, here at Best Buy, acknowledge that we obviously made a mistake, but in the spirit of the holidays, we encourage you to keep the additional iPads and give them to people in need – friends, family, a local school or charity.
I have not shared this resolution with Laura, as you are the customer, but it is up to you if you want to let her know the outcome of your discussion.
Thank you so very much for coming forward and I hope your boyfriend enjoys his new iPad. Merry Christmas!
And Alexa isn’t the only one to have gotten five iPads for the price of one. Another man wrote into The Consumerist and said he had exactly the same experience. While he says he is keeping the extra iPads in his closet in case Best Buy comes knocking at his door, it looks like they are his to keep.
但Alexa并不是唯一一位买一送四的买家,另一男士也写信给The Consumerist说他也同样幸运。但他说他把多出来的iPad都收在壁橱里以防百思买来敲门要回那些iPads。