Let me hazard a wild guess: the system of passwords you use on the internet – for accessing online banking, email, shopping sites, Twitter and Facebook accounts – is a mess.
You know perfectly well what you ought to be doing: for each site you visit, you should be choosing a different, complex sequence of letters, numbers and symbols, and then memorising it. (That's rule number one of the conventional wisdom on passwords: never, ever write them down.) But you don't do this, because you weren't blessed with a brain that's capable of such feats.
So instead you use the same familiar words for every site – your dog's name, the name of your street – with occasional ingenious permutations, such as adding "123" at the end. Or maybe you do try to follow the rules, in which case you're probably constantly getting locked out of your bank account or trying to remember the answers to various absurd security questions. ("What was your favourite sport as a child?") And things are getting worse: these days, you find yourself forced to choose passwords with both upper- and lower-case letters, and what normal human being can remember multiple combinations of those? Not you, that's for sure.
因此,你每一个网站都使用同样熟悉的单词——你家狗的名字、你家街道的名字 ——偶尔巧妙的排列一下,如结尾加个“123”。或者,也许你的确尝试了遵循这样的规则,某些情况下,你可能总是进不了你的银行帐户或试图记住各种荒谬的安全问题的答案。 (“你小时候最喜欢的运动是什么?”)事情变得越来越糟糕:这些天,你会发现自己要被迫选择大写和小写字母组成的密码,哪个正常人可以记住这样的多个组合?不是你,这是肯定的。
One reason not to feel too guilty about your bad password behaviour is that it seems to be almost universal. Last month, an analysis of leaked pin numbers revealed that about one in 10 of us uses "1234"; a recent security breach at Yahoo showed that thousands of users' passwords were either "password", "welcome", "123456" or "ninja". People choose terrible passwords even when more is at stake than their savings
对于自己的糟糕密码行为不用感到太内疚的一个原因是它好像是几乎普遍的。上个月,泄漏的密码分析显示,我们中大约有十分之一的人使用“1234”,雅虎最近的安全漏洞表明,成千上万的用户密码不是"password"、 "welcome"、"123456" 就是"ninja".即使他们的财产会面临更多的风险,人们还是选择糟糕的密码。
Password hacking takes many different forms, but one crucial thing to understand is that it's often not a matter of devilish cunning but of bludgeoning with brute force.
This is where the length of your password makes an almost unbelievable difference. For a hacker with the computing power to make 1,000 guesses per second, a five-letter, purely random, all-lower-case password, such as "fpqzy", would take three and three-quarter hours to crack. Increase the number of letters to 20, though, and the cracking time increases, just a little bit: it's 6.5 thousand trillion centuries.
你密码的长度可以产生几乎令人难以置信的差异。对于黑客的计算能力,每秒1000次猜测, 5个字母、完全随机、全小写的密码,如“fpqzy”,只要花费3小时45分钟来破解。把字母数增加到20,只是一点点,但破解的时间增加:这将是6500万亿个世纪。
Then there's the question of predictability. Nobody thinks up passwords by combining truly random sequences of letters and numbers; instead they follow rules, like using real words and replacing the letter O with a zero, or using first names followed by a year. Hackers know this, so their software can incorporate these rules when generating guesses, vastly reducing the time it takes to hit on a correct one. If you think you've got a clever system for coming up with passwords, the chances are that hackers are already familiar with it.
The least hackable password, then, would be a long string of completely random letters, numbers, spaces and symbols – but you'd never remember it. However, because length matters so much, the surprising truth is that a longish string of random English words, all in lower case – say, "awoken wheels angling ostrich" – is actually much more secure than a shorter password that follows your bank's annoying rules, such as "M@nch3st3r". And easier to remember: you've already formed a memorable image of some noisy wheels waking up an ostrich fishing by a riverbank, haven't you?
那么最不容易被破解的密码,将是由完全随机的字母、数字、空格和符号组成的一串很长的字符- 但你永远记不住它。然而,因为长度那么重要,令人惊喜的真相是,一串随机英语单词组成的长长的字符,全是小写字母——写着“苏醒车轮钓鱼避世者”——其实比你遵循银行恼人的规则设置的短密码更加安全,如“M @ nch3st3r”。而且更容易记住:你已经形成了一个难忘的印象,一些吵闹的车轮吵醒避世的人在河边钓鱼,是不是?
One day, we may not have to worry about any of this: there are innovations in development that might replace passwords entirely. Touchscreens could be configured to detect subtle aspects of your interactions with your computer – the distances between your fingers, the speeds at which you tap and scroll.