美味情缘 No Reservations
Kate Armstrong (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is the head chef at the trendy 22 Bleecker Street Restaurant in Manhattan, New York. She runs her kitchen at a rapid pace as she coordinates the making and preparation of all the fantastic meals, and personally displays the food to perfection on every dish. She intimidates everyone around her, including her boss Paula (Patricia Clarkson), who sends her to therapy. Kate hates to leave the kitchen when a customer wants to compliment her on one of her special dishes, however she is ready to leave the kitchen in an instant when a customer insults her cooking.
凯特(凯瑟琳•泽塔-琼斯 饰)天生丽质,是一所餐厅里杰出的主厨,她是个十足的工作狂,因为工作她的生活变得十分刻板,没有一丝火花 。对自己的手艺非常自信的她常常都坚持己见,老板只好强迫她去看心理医生 。
凯特的妹妹因车祸而逝世了,留下年幼的女儿祖需要凯特照顾 。妈妈离开后,祖变得越来越封闭 。无论凯特怎么努力,祖还是与阿姨保持距离 。
此时餐厅里请来了新的厨师尼克(艾伦•艾克哈特 饰),工作态度完全有别与凯特,这使凯特无法接受,但他却有能耐使不喜欢吃正餐的祖乖乖吃饭 。凯特不得不对尼克另眼相看,此后因为祖的关系他们约会渐多,凯特与尼克之间也产生了微妙的情缘,就连凯特与祖之间的关系也大大改进了 。
美味关系 Julie & Julia
In 2002, Julie Powell (Adams) is a young writer with an unpleasant job at the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation's call center, where she answers telephone calls from victims of the September 11 attacks and members of the general public complaining about the LMDC's controversial plans for rebuilding the World Trade Center. To do something she enjoys, she decides to cook every recipe in Mastering the Art of French Cooking (1961) by Julia Child (Streep) in one year; Powell decides to write a blog to motivate herself and document her progress.
对工作感到灰心沮丧的曼哈顿下城发展公司员工茱莉•鲍威尔(艾美•亚当斯Amy Adams 饰)决定用一年时间实践美国最受欢迎的电视名厨茱莉亚•切尔德(梅丽尔•斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)第一本食谱《精通法国烹饪的艺术》中的全部524道菜,并写博客记录每日进展 。与此同时,电影平行穿插茱莉亚•切尔德随美国新闻署任职的丈夫保罗•切尔德(斯坦利•塔奇 Stanley Tucci 饰)于1948年来到法国巴黎居住,学习烹饪,并历经十年艰辛出版厚达七百多页的《精通法国烹饪的艺术》过程 。茱莉•鲍威尔在模仿茱莉亚•切尔德的历程中终于找到了自我,而随着博客浏览量的增加,就连茱莉亚本人也得知了茱莉的存在,但结果却在茱莉意料之外 。