4、相见恨早 A Lot Like Love
A Lot Like Love is a 2005 romantic drama film directed by Nigel Cole. The screenplay by Colin Patrick Lynch focuses on two individuals whose relationship slowly evolves from lust to friendship to romance over the course of seven years. The film's tag line was: there's nothing better than a great romance to ruin a perfectly good friendship.
Each time they meet, one appears to be settled and content while the other is struggling to make headway in both life and career. Eventually they come to the realization that each is exactly the person the other one needs for fulfillment.
《相见恨早》是阿什顿•库彻由一个喜剧明星开始向浪漫爱情剧男主角转型之作 。
为人谨慎的奥利弗(阿什顿•库彻 Ashton Kutcher 饰)和个性张扬的艾米丽(阿曼达•皮特 Amanda Peet 饰)在洛杉矶到纽约的航班上偶遇 。两人一见倾心,但在短暂的相处之后,却又各自行走在自己的生活轨道上,只有挥之不去对彼此的影像 。初次见面之后,不同的时间,不同的城市,他们又多次相聚、分离 。两人变成了无话不谈的好朋友,之间的微妙关系,似乎总是阴差阳错地和爱情擦身而过 。在分分合合的七年之后,他们又一次重逢,奥利弗终于意识到了其实艾米丽才是他真正寻找的女孩,但艾米丽已经订婚 。他们之间还会拥有单纯的友谊吗?这对冤家是会有情人终成眷属还是,面临再一次分开?
5、一天 One Day
Emma Morley (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess) meet after graduation on 15 July 1988. They spend the night together but agree to be friends.
Over many years, they become engaged and marry, Dexter runs his own cafe which proves to be very lucrative, and they start trying to have their own baby. They're unsuccessful. While riding her bike out of a blind alley, Emma is violently hit by a truck and dies.
2011,where Dexter visits the hill where he first went with Emma in 1988 again; this time with his daughter, Jasmine. He reminisces about the day when he and Emma first met.
。籍着这股躁动,轻浮的德克斯特(吉姆•斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)穿过层层人墙,寻找可以与之共度这最后狂欢与浪漫之夜的尤物 。他将目光锁定在艾玛(安妮•海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)的身上,一个来自普通工薪家庭的聪慧女孩 。然而短短的交流过后,他们之间什么也没发生,却又注定改变了彼此的一生 。在之后的岁月里,两人以友人知己的身份时聚时散,彼此分享着人生的苦辣酸甜和各种感悟 。德克斯特经历着事业和婚姻的起落,艾玛品味着底层人生的辛酸 。他们是远在天边心也紧紧相连的知己,是深锁心中最为笃真却相隔最远的爱恋……