In 2008, as dependence on the laptop as a necessary tool for work increase, mobile phones undergo transformation to become the device to have with you on-the-go. The HTC G1, which was a slider cell phone that hides a full QWERTY keypad beneath its large screen, runs on the Android OS.
2008年,随着笔记本电脑在工作中用的越来越多,移动手机开始面临转型,演变成伴随你忙碌的工具 。这款HTC G1滑盖机,在大屏幕下设有QWERTY全键盘,运行于安卓OS系统 。
In 2009, mobile phones can still fit in your palm but the screens get bigger and bears higher resolutions for high performance display. The Motorola Milestone carries a large touchscreen, full QWERTY Keypad and ran on Android OS, delivering advanced features to work with.
2009年,手机还能蛮适手握,但为了最求更高的成像效果,使得屏幕变得更大,分辨率变得高 。这款里程碑式的摩托罗拉大触屏手机,携带QWERTY全键盘,运行于安卓OS系统 。