我们描述某个地方特别安静的时候,通常会说“安静得连针掉到地上的声音都能听到”。英语中也用类似的表达。如果说某个地方,尤指办公室,特别安静,我们就可以说这地方有pin-drop syndrome(过度安静综合症)。
Pin-drop syndrome describes extreme quietness in an office, which leads to worker stress because the significance of even the smallest noises is magnified.
Pin-drop syndrome(字面意思为“掉针综合症”)描述的是办公室内极度安静的状况,在此状况下,员工感受到的压力可能会更大,因为任何微小的声音都有可能被放大。由此,pin-drop syndrome也可译为“过度安静综合症”。
According to the experts, too-quiet offices are a growing problem. Almost complete silence in office is unhealthily stressful. It may make workers feel lonely and, on the rare occasions when the silence was shattered by the telephone, all the workers would down pens to eavesdrop on the conversation.