The Bright Pant.
Add a single bright element to any outfit and make it look instantly updated. Our favorite? The neon bright pant. We like a skinny jean or legging in brights for a streamlined, but fun look. You can keep the rest of the outfit neutral or mix in a contrasting bright for a balanced look. Remember that brights highlight whatever area you wear them on, so if you are bottom heavy, you should wear bright pants with caution (just be sure to cover your bottom with a dark or neutral tunic for camouflage.)
在着装中加入一种亮色立马提升你的穿衣指数 。亮色的紧身裤是不错的选择,搭配暗色上衣能起到平衡色彩的作用 。但如果你下身丰满就要慎重选择了 。