adj. 不舒服的,不自在的
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He didn't ask the question of his father this time. Perhaps he had seen, with a child's quickness, that it had already made his father uncomfortable. But he repeated the thought aloud, as if it were quite an old one to him, and had troubled him very much; and sat with his chin resting on his hand, still cogitating and looking for an explanation in the fire. | 这次他没有向他的父亲问这个问题。也许他已以孩子机敏的观察力看出,它已经使他的父亲感到不安了。可是他大声地把这个思想重复地说出来,仿佛这对他来说是一个存在已久的思想,曾使他十分苦恼;然后他用手支托着下巴,坐在那里,慎重地思考着,想从火中找到一个解释。 |
Mr Dombey having recovered from his surprise, not to say his alarm (for it was the very first occasion on which the child had ever broached the subject of his mother to him, though he had had him sitting by his side, in this same manner, evening after evening), expounded to him how that money, though a very potent spirit, never to be disparaged on any account whatever, could not keep people alive whose time was come to die; and how that we must all die, unfortunately, even in the City, though we were never so rich. But how that money caused us to be honoured, feared, respected, courted, and admired, and made us powerful and glorious in the eyes of all men; and how that it could, very often, even keep off death, for a long time together. How, for example, it had secured to his Mama the services of Mr Pilkins, by which be, Paul, had often profited himself; likewise of the great Doctor Parker Peps, whom he had never known. And how it could do all, that could be done. This, with more to the same purpose, Mr Dombey instilled into the mind of his son, who listened attentively, and seemed to understand the greater part of what was said to him. | 董贝先生从他的惊奇(且不说是恐慌)中恢复过来以后(因为这孩子虽然一个晚上又一个晚上在他身旁以同样的姿态坐着,但这却是他第一次向他提出他母亲的问题),向他详细地说明,钱虽然是个神通很广大的精灵,决不能以任何理由轻视它,但它却不能使到了时候该死的人们活下来;而且很不幸,虽然我们从不曾像现在这样富裕过,但是即使是在城市里,我们所有的人也都是一定要死的。不过,尽管如此,钱却可以使我们得到荣誉,使人们畏惧、尊敬、奉承和羡慕我们,并使我们在所有人们的眼中看来权势显赫,荣耀光彩。它常常能把死亡推迟得很久。举个例子来说,它能使他妈妈获得皮尔金斯先生(保罗本人也常常从他那里受益)和杰出的帕克•佩普斯医生(他从来不知道他)的治疗。它能做到一切它能做到的事情。董贝先生把所有这一切以及为了达到同一目的所要说的其他事情都灌输到他儿子的心中;他的儿子专心致志地听着,似乎对他所说的话他大部分都听懂了。 |
'It can't make me strong and quite well, either, Papa; can it?' asked Paul, after a short silence; rubbing his tiny hands. | “它也不能使我强壮和十分健康,是不是,爸爸?”保罗经过短时间的沉默之后,搓搓小手,问道。 |
'Why, you are strong and quite well,' returned Mr Dombey. 'Are you not?' | “不过你是强壮和十分健康的,”董贝先生回答道。“难道不是吗?” |
Oh! the age of the face that was turned up again, with an expression, half of melancholy, half of slyness, on it! | 啊,那张重新抬起来、露出半是忧郁、半是狡猾的表情的脸是多么老气横秋啊 |
'You are as strong and well as such little people usually are? Eh?' said Mr Dombey. | “你就跟你同样的小人儿通常的情形一样,强壮,健康,是不是,嗯?”董贝先生说道。 |
'Florence is older than I am, but I'm not as strong and well as Florence, 'I know,' returned the child; 'and I believe that when Florence was as little as me, she could play a great deal longer at a time without tiring herself. I am so tired sometimes,' said little Paul, warming his hands, and looking in between the bars of the grate, as if some ghostly puppet-show were performing there, 'and my bones ache so (Wickam says it's my bones), that I don't know what to do.' | “弗洛伦斯比我大,但是我知道,我不像弗洛伦斯那么强壮、健康,”孩子回答道;“不过我相信,弗洛伦斯像我这样小的时候,她能一次比我玩得长久得多,而不会感到累。我有时却感到很累,”小保罗烘烘手,说道,一边往炉栅的栏栅中间望进去,仿佛那里正在表演什么鬼怪木偶戏似的,“而且我的骨头痛得很(威肯姆说,这是我的骨头),我不知道该怎么办。” |
Mr Dombey having recovered from his surprise, not to say his alarm (for it was the very first occasion on which the child had ever broached the subject of his mother to him, though he had had him sitting by his side, in this same manner, evening after evening), expounded to him how that money, though a very potent spirit, never to be disparaged on any account whatever, could not keep people alive whose time was come to die; and how that we must all die, unfortunately, even in the City, though we were never so rich. But how that money caused us to be honoured, feared, respected, courted, and admired, and made us powerful and glorious in the eyes of all men; and how that it could, very often, even keep off death, for a long time together. How, for example, it had secured to his Mama the services of Mr Pilkins, by which be, Paul, had often profited himself; likewise of the great Doctor Parker Peps, whom he had never known. And how it could do all, that could be done. This, with more to the same purpose, Mr Dombey instilled into the mind of his son, who listened attentively, and seemed to understand the greater part of what was said to him.
'It can't make me strong and quite well, either, Papa; can it?' asked Paul, after a short silence; rubbing his tiny hands.
'Why, you are strong and quite well,' returned Mr Dombey. 'Are you not?'
Oh! the age of the face that was turned up again, with an expression, half of melancholy, half of slyness, on it!
'You are as strong and well as such little people usually are? Eh?' said Mr Dombey.
'Florence is older than I am, but I'm not as strong and well as Florence, 'I know,' returned the child; 'and I believe that when Florence was as little as me, she could play a great deal longer at a time without tiring herself. I am so tired sometimes,' said little Paul, warming his hands, and looking in between the bars of the grate, as if some ghostly puppet-show were performing there, 'and my bones ache so (Wickam says it's my bones), that I don't know what to do.'
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
uncomfortable | [ʌn'kʌmftəbl] | |||
understand | [.ʌndə'stænd] | |||
trousers | ['trauzəz] | |||
troubled | ['trʌbld] | 联想记忆 | ||
cogitate | ['kɔdʒiteit] | 联想记忆 | ||
melancholy | ['melənkɔli] | 联想记忆 | ||
solution | [sə'lu:ʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
affect | [ə'fekt] | 联想记忆 | ||
silence | ['sailəns] | |||
explanation | [.eksplə'neiʃən] |

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