Animals are so cute, even when they're dead…sometimes. Taxidermy has been resurfacing both in fashion and as a hobby. Since most legitimate taxidermy classes are in the middle of bumblefrig nowhere, people have taken to DIY projects in their living rooms. The results are a bunch of rogue taxidermy projects which range from super cute and convincing to horrible and weird. We've sifted through the trauma to bring you only the cutest, most adorable animals you didn't know were actually dead.
动物们真是太可爱了,有时候,即使它们去世了也一样地可爱 。制作标本不但已经形成一种时尚,更是一种爱好 。自从政府允许开课教授制作标本后,人们就可以回家自己DIY制作标本了 。结果就是一大堆可怕的,古怪的标本涌现出来,但,这里我们只筛选出最可爱,最讨喜的,虽然这些小动物已经死去了,但我们仍然爱它们 。
A perfect manicure.