Center Part 中分
Inspired by the 1970s is the center part. Though side parts are still completely acceptable and great for any look, the center part is HUGE right now... and has been for a while if you ask me. You will see this trend in both updos and with long hairstyles, sometimes slightly off-center.
中分头是受到20世纪70年代的经典发型启发演变而来的。虽然不论什么长相的人偏分的发型都完全可以接受也很好看,但中分才是现在的时尚宠儿,实际上中分已经流行很长一段时间了。 中分随处可见,不论是梳高髻的人还是留长发的人。有时候稍微偏离一下正中间会更好。