3. A Peaceful Place for Sleep 营造适宜睡眠的宁静氛围
Your sleeping environment makes a huge difference to the quality of your sleep. Do everything you can to create a quiet and cozy atmosphere. Ideally, your bedroom should be located in the quietest area of your home. Keep the décor minimal. Lighting should be dim and any music that is played should be soothing. Research has found that lavender, vanilla, and green apple are among the best scents to help lower anxiety and induce sleep, making these smells a good choice for a scented candle or heated essential oil. Try to limit your pets to outside of the bedroom because their movements will keep with your body from fully relaxing into deep R. E. M. sleep. As much as possible, your bedroom should be only for sleep.
睡眠环境对你的睡眠质量有很大的影响。尽一切所能,为自己营造一个安静和舒适的环境。最理想的情况就是,你的卧室应该坐落在你家中最安静的地方。家居饰品越简单越好。灯光要柔和,你所播放的音乐要舒缓。研究表明,薰衣草、香草和青苹果的气味有助于缓解焦虑并能激发你的睡意,所以使用此类的香氛蜡烛和精油是个不错的选择。不要让宠物呆在你的卧室内,因为它们的小动静会干扰你从身心放松的状态过度到深度R. E. M.睡眠。尽可能地让你的卧室成为只供你睡觉的地方。