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星座英语:十二星座父亲 爱你的方式各不同

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LIBRA 天秤座(Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)

Listen carefully to your Libra dad - his jokes are subtle, and if you aren't quick, you might miss them the first time around. Stay tuned into his under-the-breath comments and you are in for a barrel of laughs. One other bonus - your Libra dad is one you can actually trust when picking out your outfit for the night. He'll tell you what looks good and what doesn't. Trust him.


SCORPIO 天蝎座(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

You won't get a more loyal or supportive father than your Scorpio dad. He will always be there for you - no matter how much trouble you might get in. He's the type who will fix your car, install smoke alarms in your house - and bail you out of jail. Although his feelings are wild and extreme, one emotion is certain and steadfast: his unwavering, intense love for you.


SAGITTARIUS 射手座(Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)

Sagittarians are a fun bunch, and your dad is no exception. He isn't one for setting limits since he has a hard time doing that for himself. He is the kind of dad who will take you to the racetrack and give you an advance on your allowance so that you can have some fun with it. Your Sagittarian dad is much more than your father. He is your best friend.






