3. Annie Lennox 安妮·蓝妮克丝
I would say that although my music may be or may have been part of the cultural background fabric of the gay community, I consider myself an outsider who belongs everywhere and nowhere... Being a human being is what truly counts. That's where you'll find me.
Annie Lennox,英国乐坛史上最成功的女歌手,被誉为国际流行乐坛“首席女伶”。她是前双人组合Eurythmics的女主唱,1992年单飞。她冷艳的嗓音、中性而妖娆的造型令她在LGTB群体中备受欢迎。(LGBT:lesbian、gay、bisexual、transexual) 说到拥有无人能及的中性之美的女歌手,绝对当属Annie Lennox。