1. Please don't take sleeping pills or tranquilizers just before you go to bed or your snoring will probably get worse!
2. If you are overweight, one of the ways that you can lessen snoring is to lose weight. You will find that if you lose some weight, the snoring will lessen as well.
3. It is important to drink milk, eat cheese, or have any other dairy product before you go to bed. Dairy products tend to build up mucus in the system (the back of the throat), which actually makes snoring worse!
4. Sticking to a regular sleep routine will help combat snoring. It is also important to try and sleep on your side (if at all possible).
5. Sometimes, nasal strips will work. These are meant to open the nasal passages, making it more difficult for snoring to emerge.
6. If you smoke, than please stop! Try not to smoke right before you go to bed because it causes irritation within the throat, which will make snoring more obvious. If you can't stop smoking, try not to smoke before you go to bed.