Deep in the northern chill of Iceland, just outside the arctic circle, the Hof House sits snugly within its landscape. Built on an existing estate, Studio Granada Architects salvaged whatever materials possible from the site to be incorporated into the new residence, converting telegraph poles into a sun screen and basalt pillars into stepping stones. Even the grass on the green roof came from local site leftovers after clearing way for its foundation. Designed for the extreme weather conditions of the Skagafjörður Fjord, the Hof House relies on passive solar design, geothermal heating, and some pretty hefty concrete walls.
坐落于冰岛北部丘陵深处,濒临北极圈,Hof House 与周围的环境惬意的融合在一起。在原有房址的基础上,Studio Granada Architects 尽可能的采用了遗留的建筑材料,并将其融入到新的设计当中。将玄武岩柱做成了台阶。甚至于屋顶的草坪也是为其建造地基时遗留下来的。为应对Skagafjörður Fjord极其恶劣的天气状况,特别为Hof House设计了被动太阳能,地热供暖,和厚重的水泥墙。