The 65-year-old artist says he started smoking as a young boy, but decided to quit about 25 years ago, so he searched for alternatives to keep him busy and away from cigarettes. At one point he discovered nicotine gum, but had no idea it will eventually become the main medium of his unique art.
据说这位65岁老艺术家的灵感,来自他使用口香糖戒烟的事情。由于有多年的烟龄 David 某一天(据说是25年前)决定戒烟,但烟放下了,嘴却一直闲不住,于是他千辛万苦寻找到了一种含有尼古丁味道的口香糖,帮助他摆脱烟瘾的困扰。