Professor Mika Kivim?ki, who led the study, said: ‘We have shown that working long days is associated with a remarkable increase in risk of heart disease. ‘Considering that including a measurement of working hours in a GP interview is so simple and useful, our research presents a strong case that it should become standard practice. ‘This new information should help improve decisions regarding medication for heart disease.
引导该实验的教授Mika Kivim?ki说:“我们经过研究发现,长时间的工作大幅度地增加患心脏病的风险,我们这项实验的数据为以后的相关研究提供了重要的佐证,有可能会成为此领域的一个重要的衡量标准。此外,这项数据可以帮助我们在为心脏病患者开处方的时候提供更多以前不曾注意到的证据,对药量也有重大影响。”
‘It could also be a wake-up call for people who over-work themselves, especially if they already have other risk factors,’ Professor Kivim?ki added. Around 2.6million Britons have heart disease, where the organ’s blood supply is blocked by the build-up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries. It is the nation’s biggest killer, claiming 101,000 lives in this country every year. Heart attacks occur when a coronary artery becomes completely blocked; if the blood supply is not restored, the section of the heart being supplied by the artery will die.
教授Mika Kivim?ki还说:“这个数字对于那些终日工作的工作狂白领们来说根本就是‘警钟’式的提醒,特别是对于那些已经有了类似症状的人来说。此外,在英国,已经有260万民众有心脏病类似的疾病,成为全英最大杀手性质疾病,每年夺取10万多英国民众的生命。我们不得不对该现象、该事实提高我们的重视程度。”