Do it completely. Put your mind completely on the task. Don’t move on to the next task until you’re finished. If, for some reason, you have no choice but to move on to something else, try to at least put away the unfinished task and clean up after yourself. If you prepare a sandwich, don’t start eating it until you’ve put away the stuff you used to prepare it, wiped down the counter, and washed the dishes used for preparation. Then you’re done with that task, and can focus more completely on the next task.
把事情做完。把你的精力完全的放 到工作上。在完成一件任务之前不要去做下一件。假如由于某种原因,你不得不去做其他的事情,那么至少试着把这件没有完成的任务放在一边,并在事后处理好它。如果你要做一个三明治,不要吃它,直到你把做时候的准备材料收拾好了,把桌子擦干净了,把做时候的碟碗洗好了。然后你处理好了这件事情可以更好的集中 精力做下一件事情了。
n. 注视,沉思,打算