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来源:yeeyan 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

I have always found culinary experiments interesting. Starting with the chemistry of taste and ending with the art of arranging the food, all require special attention and a great artistic sense. Yesterday I found the site of an artist named Fulvio Bonavia. He has some very interesting sets, including one about the culinary design. Take a look and you will definitely love this picture.

我看来,下厨房总是趣味盎然。从味道的化学反应到烹饪美食的艺术,都需要特别关注与出色的艺术感觉。昨天我发现了艺术家Fulvio Bonavia的网站。他展现了一些非常有趣的组合,其中就有一辑是关于烹饪设计的。尽情欣赏一下,你肯定会爱上这些图片的。



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