Leo love 2011 horoscope
2011 will start well in their families. There will be enough warmth, tenderness and understanding. Already by February, these families will be united by the fact they are equally happy. Those of marriageable age will finally propose to their loved one or accept love proposals from their loved ones. Unmarried ones this winter will fall in love and spend the happiest period of their life.
2011年一开始, 你们的家庭生活会非常温馨, 你会感觉到温暖以及被理解. 到了2月, 你的家人也会跟你有同样的感受了. 到了试婚年龄的大猫们会向爱人求婚或是接受爱人的未婚. 未婚的大猫会在这个冬季坠入爱河, 享受生命中最快乐的时光.
Spring will bring good luck mainly to those who went on well with love lately. However, certain difficulties will have to be overcome. Leo individuals during spring will be so sexy, so charming and simply beautiful. But there is some danger in this. Married ones will like to do some unusual, heroic deeds.
春天会给那些刚恋爱不久的大猫带来好运气. 但是也需要你们去克服的困难. 在这个春天, 大猫们会变得异常性感迷人, 纯粹的美丽. 不过这也会带来些危险的讯号, 那就是有伴的大猫没准就会有些反常的表现了.
In summer, Leo individuals will be too lazy to chase the ghostly images of great feelings. They will gain true happiness from their spouses. There will be no special emotions and changes.
到了夏天, 大猫们就变懒散了, 对于那些鲜活的猎物兴趣了无, 你们会把重心放回到配偶身上, 享受美好时光, 艳遇一类的也就基本没有了.
At the end of the year, the summer trend will continue. Leo individuals will have a peaceful family life, which however, will become boring by December. In order not to spoil their New Year holidays, they will have to show great humility. Single ones will be tired of their freedom but will not meet someone that has all the qualities they want. There is only one advice in this situation - come to terms with the situation and eat what is given until something more ideal screws up.
年末时, 夏季时的局面会延续, 大猫们过着平静的家庭生活, 就这样直至12月, 麻烦开始找上门来, 如果不想毁了新年时合家欢乐的场面, 你就需要低调再低调, 淡定再淡定才行. 单身的大猫会非常渴望找到另一伴, 但是你们会把遇到的人每个人因为这样或那样的缺点PASS掉. 所以我给你个建议 - 不要太挑剔, 你别光想着吃大餐, 免得到头来连草都吃不上.