Other weighty issues include mortality, the secret of happiness and even whether blondes have more fun.
Nadia Kelly, of Ask Jeeves, said: "Jeeves prides himself on being able to answer 16 million questions a month and has been doing so for ten years now. But even we have to admit that occasionally there is going to be a question where there is no simple answer so we're letting our users do it themselves."
来自Ask Jeeves的纳迪亚凯莉说:“Jeeves一直以每月能够为用户解答1600万个问题而骄傲,并且坚守本职工作十年如一日。但是我们必须承认一点,有时我们也会有一些问题无法简简单单给出答案,这些就要靠我们的用户自己去寻找答案了。”