Amy Wolfe is a confident 32-year-old American who lives in New York State. She has been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, and has been in relationships with models of spaceships, the Twin Towers, a church organ and a banister, though her main lover – since OS people believe in polygamy – is a fairground ride called 1001 Nacht, located at Knoebels, an amusement park in Pennsylvania (thanks, Adrienne and Dakota). She now plans to marry the magic carpet. This follows a "courtship" of 3,000 rides over ten years. She will change her surname to Weber after the manufacturer of the ride she travels 160 miles to visit 10 times per year. Wolfe even sleeps with a picture of the ride on her ceiling and carries its spare nuts and bolts around to feel closer to it. She claims to believe they share a fulfilling physical and spiritual relationship and does not get jealous when other people ride it.
Amy Wolfe今年32岁,住在美国纽约州。她被诊断出患有艾斯伯格症,她曾喜欢过宇宙飞船模型、双子塔、教堂管风琴和楼梯的栏杆,但是她主要的爱人是一辆位于宾夕法尼亚州Knoebels游乐园里被称为“一千零一夜”的过山车,而在此前10年的“求爱之旅‘里她搭乘了3000多个这样的过山车,现在她正计划跟“它”结婚。她将会把姓改成Weber,据说这就是这辆她一年光顾10次总旅程超过160英里的过山车的名字。她甚至在枕头边放一张”他“的照片,随身携带它多余的螺母跟螺栓来近距离感受”他“。她说他们婚姻幸福美满,而她也不会嫉妒别人去搭乘它。