3. "Independence Day"
"Independence Day" helped Will Smith become one of the most recognizable - and bankable - actors in Hollywood. Directed by Roland Emmerich, a filmmaker who knows a thing or two about big budget epics ("The Day After Tomorrow," "Godzilla"), "Independence Day" finds the Earth under attack by aliens bent on killing off humans. Smith plays a fighter pilot who has to save the day with the help of Bill Pullman as U.S. President Whitmore and an annoying scientist played by Jeff Goldblum.
《独立日》是威尔·史密斯的成名作,也是他发家致富的重要作品。导演Roland Emmerich是灾难片的老手了,《后天》和《哥斯拉》都是出自他的手笔。《独立日》讲的是地球被外星人攻击,人类受到外星人威胁。威尔·史密斯扮演的战斗机飞行员在美国总统和科学家的帮助下拯救了全世界。