During a penthouse guest's stay, their personal butler, often Johannes Walz, a soft-spoken 45-year-old from Germany, acts as intermediary between the guest and all hotel staff.
当客人住在顶楼套房中时,他们的私人管家──通常是说话温和,现年45岁的德国人约翰内斯•瓦尔茨(Johannes Walz)──将担任客人和所有酒店员工的联络人。
The placement of every object in the room is detailed in a book of more than 50 pages. Then housekeeping staff knows "how many hangers are in the closet, where flowers are placed on tables, how far is a table placed from the piano. How far is the Montblanc blotter from the lamp on the desk," says Ms. Garay. The room is dusted daily and cleaned weekly even when there are no guests in residence.
房间中每件物品的布置都详细记载在一个50多页的本子上。这样,客房清洁人员就知道“壁橱里有多少衣架,花放在桌上的什么位置、桌子放在离钢琴多远的地方、万宝龙吸墨器离桌上的灯有多远。” 加雷说。房间每天除尘一次,每周清扫一次,即使没有客人入住的时候也是如此。
Changing any aspect of the set up goes through Ms. Aslanian and is ultimately Mr. Warner's decision. It's 'like amending the constitution,' says Leslie Lefkowitz, director of public relations for the hotel.
改变房间布置的任何一方面都要经过阿斯拉尼安的同意,并最终由沃纳作出决定。这就“像是修改宪法”,该酒店的公共关系总监莱斯莉•莱夫科维茨(Leslie Lefkowitz)说。
There are only small glimmers of practicality in the room. Though the room features real 18th century Chinese lamps, when the room's well known architect, Peter Marino, suggested using a real antique French bureau plat as the room's desk, Mr. Warner said the piece would suffer too much wear and tear, says Mr. Marino.
在这个房间中,只能看到些微的实用色彩。尽管这间套房以真正的18世纪中国灯具为特色,但这个房间的著名设计师彼得•马里诺(Peter Marino)说,当他建议用一张真正的法国古董写字桌作为房间的书桌时,沃纳说这件家具会因此磨损过剧。
Mr. Warner said, "in the end, it's a hotel room and we have to be careful."