Linda Aslanian, an architect with an MBA, who is Mr. Warner's representative at the hotel, maintains a stock of the room's handcrafted textiles, exotic stones, and artwork in case anything needs replacing.
拥有工商管理硕士学位的建筑设计师琳达•阿斯拉尼安(Linda Aslanian)是沃纳在该酒店的代表,她存有一批该房间的手工织品、异型石材和艺术品,以备在需要时更换。
Staff say they try to anticipate penthouse guests' preferences. The hotel keeps files on all return guests detailing their habits and favorite food, drink and even toilet paper. After reviewing one incoming guest's file, staff discovered they needed to track down a particular 'tissue,' says Ms. Garay. It wasn't easy. Two employees went out separately searching to find the needed 'ultraplush' paper product, she says.
Once the penthouse is booked, it's 'all hands to the fire,' says Anthony Zamora, executive chef at the hotel. The kitchen staff wants to know 'do they like tea sandwiches automatically throughout the day or just on request? Should we pre-order caviar from our supplier just in case they request it?' says Mr. Zamora. If a guest is from the Middle East, he may preorder Hildon water, a brand bottled in southern England and popular among guests from the region, he says. Louis Roederer Cristal, the champagne that retails for around $200, is pre-stocked in the room unless the guest prefers something else.
一旦顶楼套间被预订,就进入了“全员备战状态”,该酒店的行政总厨安东尼•扎莫拉(Anthony Zamora)说。厨房工作人员希望知道“客人们喜欢全天自动送上茶点三明治,还是根据要求送上?我们是否应该提前从供货商处预订鱼子酱,以备他们点餐?”扎莫拉说。他说,如果某位客人来自中东,他可能会预订希尔登(Hildon)矿泉水,这种牌子的矿泉水是在英格兰南部灌装的,很受该地区客人的欢迎。这间客房里提前备好了零售价约为200美元的路易王妃水晶香槟(Louis Roederer Cristal),除非客人更喜欢其他酒水。
If the guest is coming to the hotel for the first time, intelligence gathering is harder. The three person 'special services department' or the general manager's assistant will speak to the guest or his or her assistant about the reason for the visit and the guest's preferences. Employees also scour the Internet for clues and check in with other Four Seasons properties where the guest has stayed. While some guests enjoy the personal service, "others are a little taken aback--why do you need all these details?'' says Mr. Schmidinger, the general manager.