What is the ideal vacation for someone who needs to relax but has trouble doing so?
-- Try something new. Learning something in a new place can be more relaxing and refreshing than trying to do nothing. While it's good to get outside your comfort zone, it's not necessary to explode out of it. 'I don't want to go bungee jumping,' says Matthew Edlund, a sleep expert in Sarasota, Fla., and author of 'The Power of Rest' who says he'd much prefer walking through Berlin or Beijing. 'You decide what your level of adventurousness is and do it.'
─尝试新事物。在一个新的地方学习新东西比整天无所事事更能让人身心放松、耳目一新。虽然走出你熟悉的圈子是好的,但没有必要走得太远。“我不想去玩蹦极跳,”佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市(Sarasota)的睡眠专家马修 埃德伦德(Matthew Edlund)表示。埃德伦德是《休闲的力量》(The Power of Rest)一书的作者,他说他很想在柏林或者北京走街串巷。“你自己决定冒险的等级,然后就开始行动吧。”