Skater’s Step-UpHold a pair of 5- to 15-pound dumbbells at hip level and stand facing a step with your right foot planted on the step. Leaning your chest forward slightly, lunge backward with your left leg, bending your right knee 90 degrees. From that position, bring your left foot up to meet the right on the step; squat and hold for2 seconds. Repeat 10 to 12 times on each leg.
举一对5 到15 磅重的哑铃,与臀部同高,站在一个台阶前,右脚放在台阶上。胸部稍微向前倾斜,左腿向后成弓步,右膝弯曲90 度。左脚抬起与右脚并拢站在台阶上。下蹲并保持两秒钟。每只腿重复做这个动作10 到12 次。