7. United States vs. Algeria, June 23, 10 a.m. -- This will be the first-round closer for Bob Bradley's team. Only the red-white-and-bluest of American fans would dare think their boys will have second-round passage secured by this point. Chances are, they'll need a result against the North Africans in Pretoria. Algeria can be a bit erratic, but there is surely talent there. Landon Donovan, Clint Dempsey and Tim Howard, assuming they come through the first two U.S. matches unscathed, will need to carry the day. Get your foam fingers up!
7. 美国vs. 阿尔及利亚,6月23日上午10时 这将是主帅鲍勃·布拉德利第一轮最愿意与之交锋的一支队伍。只有那些美国本土的球迷才会大胆地设想,他们的球队会有把握在这支球队身上获得积分,从而小组出线。机会是有的,但他们还得看比勒陀利亚的结果如何。阿尔及利亚虽然看上去飘忽不定,毫不起眼,但这支队伍当中,人才肯定还是有的。假如美国的头两场比赛都能毫发无损地顺利过关,兰登·多诺万,克林特·邓普西还有蒂姆·霍华德都急切希望胜利的到手。但愿他们的希望不要破灭!