2. United States vs. England, June 12, 2:30 p.m. -- Excitement in America began building over this one the very second these teams were drawn into Group C back in December. Domestic soccer will always have England in its blood, not just for the countries' rich political ties but for the UK's role in shaping the American game. In many areas of the United States, the pioneers and early teachers of soccer were English exports. On the field, we'll see which version of England shows: a tough and talented side of restored discipline that romped and stomped in qualifying? Or the shrunken, oddly lifeless and disjointed side we've seen in recent friendlies?
2.美国vs.英格兰,6月12日下午2:30 美国热血沸腾的时刻可回顾到12月抽签时的那一刻,他们被抽到了C组,喜悦之情由感而发,向上升腾。美国的足球,在其血脉当中,无不流淌着英格兰人的鲜血,他们不仅在政治上有着千丝万缕,割舍不断的联系,就是连这样一种体育游戏,也离不开英国人的身影,也离不开英国人的打造。美国不少的球队,他们的先驱和导师就是来自英国。在本次南非的赛场之上,我们将会看到哪一个英格兰版本的足球在非洲大陆上登台亮相:是一支能像在资格赛上那样能征善战,人才济济,作风硬朗,纪律严明的威武之师?还是一支就像最近友谊赛上所表现出的那样一支,意气消沉,一撅不振,作风懒散,毫无斗志的弱旅?