Reusable Shopping Bag – As of January 2010, I decided to always use a reusable shopping bag. Since I bring only 1 bag with me during a shopping trip, I’m limited to how much I can buy. This is clutter prevention at its best. (I did cheat by purchasing the absolute largest reusable bag I could find on planet Earth ).
7. 可重复利用的购物袋:从2010年1月开始,我决定一直使用一个可重复使用的购物袋。正因为我每次只带一个袋子去购物,我就可以限制我买多少东西。这是最好的防止杂乱的方式。(不过我却买了一个能够在地球上可以找到的最大的购物袋hoho)。