Notebook - I’m not a Moleskine fan. Their price keeps me from using them effectively. I handle them with too much care, almost afraid to put pen to such high-quality paper. Instead, I use a cheap-o notebook (usually stolen from the work supply closet). I scribble ideas, driving directions, topics to google, grocery lists, restaurants found on Once upon a complicated time, I always carried my notebook with me. Now I keep it at home, ripping out lists/directions, if needed.
1. 笔记本:我并不是一个Moleskine的忠实粉丝。因为那个笔记本的高昂价钱让我很难有效的利用它们。我需要小心翼翼的用那种本子,有时候甚至不敢将笔放在那高质量的纸张上。因此一般我都用廉价的笔记本(经常是从办公室的储物柜里顺的)。我在上面随便写些我的想法、驾驶路径、需要检索的话题、买菜单子、在yelp.com上找到的饭店。曾经一段时间,我时刻随身携带我的小本子。现在我将它放在家里,必要时,从中寻找我当时写下的单子呀,方向什么的。