What works in the long-term is making exercise a habit. That’s their secret.
长期锻炼所需要的只是一种习惯. 这就是秘密.
1. Set your Goal.
What do you want to achieve?
* Bigger muscles?
* Less fat?
* More strength?
* More speed?
Exercising can be used for several means. Before you take a gym membership, start by setting a definite goal. What is it that you want? Don't try to achieve more than 1 thing at a time. Start with one goal. Once you have attained it, you can work towards a second goal.
1. 制定目标.
* 更强壮的肌肉?
* 变瘦点?
* 更有力量?
* 更有爆发力?
锻炼有这么多种可能的目的. 在去健身俱乐部之前, 先设定一个明确的目标. 你想通过锻炼获得什么? 不要想着一次完成好几个目标. 一个就好. 一旦你完成了, 再来下一个.