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好书赏析:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(2)

来源:知行英语 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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[00:37.04]kite runner 追风筝的人
[00:40.29]last kite 最后一个风筝
[00:44.28]green kite 绿风筝
[00:48.07]blue kite 蓝风筝
[00:51.54]blindfolded man 眼睛被蒙起来的人
[00:59.58]Afghanistan, The Taliban, and Family Love
[01:11.60]"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini
[01:14.59]is one of those marvelous books
[01:17.57]that opens up our hearts and minds.
[01:20.52]This book puts a name and face
[01:23.62]to the people we are helping to free.
[01:26.35]This is a book at once so magnificent,
[01:30.22]it is difficult to comprehend and describe.
[01:34.33]How could we be fighting for freedom in this far off land,
[01:38.84]Afghanistan, and not understand the people;
[01:42.95]their heritage, their land and what they lost?
[02:22.13]"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini
[02:25.30]is one of those marvelous books
[02:28.14]that opens up our hearts and minds.
[02:38.75]This book puts a name and face
[02:41.64]to the people we are helping to free.
[02:51.80]This is a book at once so magnificent,
[02:55.61]it is difficult to comprehend and describe.
[03:04.67]How could we be fighting for freedom in this far off land,
[03:16.28]and not understand the people;
[03:21.61]their heritage, their land and what they lost?
[03:35.01]open up 打开
[03:39.83]open the country up to the world 对外开放
[03:46.81]open up
[03:49.29]open your heart and open your mind
[04:08.59]The book transports us to a very different time in the 1960's.
[04:15.25]Amir and Hassan, friends, raised in the same household,
[04:20.93]but in different worlds.
[04:23.41]Amir is the son of a wealthy businessman,
[04:26.80]and Hassan is the son of the servant, Hazara.
[04:31.79]There may be a difference in the lives they led,
[04:34.90]but they became fast friends.
[05:09.22]The book transports us to a very different time in the 1960's.
[05:21.56]Amir and Hassan, friends, raised in the same household,
[05:26.49]but in different worlds.
[05:36.82]Amir is the son of a wealthy businessman,
[05:44.52]and Hassan is the son of the servant, Hazara.
[05:52.78]There may be a difference in the lives they led,
[05:55.87]but they became fast friends.
[06:27.99]Amir would learn to read and Hassan would not.
[06:32.73]Amir would have the most beautiful toys and particularly kites,
[06:38.49]and Hassan would be able to help Amir
[06:41.24]play with the toys and run (fly) his kite.
[06:46.19]Amir was the spoiled son,
[06:48.72]Hassan was the intelligent and intuitive servant's son.
[06:53.62]Their lives would intertwine even when separated.
[07:28.74]Amir would learn to read and Hassan would not.
[07:37.62]Amir would have the most beautiful toys and particularly kites,
[07:46.88]and Hassan would be able to help Amir
[07:49.74]play with the toys and run (fly) his kite.
[07:59.74]Amir was the spoiled son,
[08:02.27]Hassan was the intelligent and intuitive servant's son.
[08:16.59]Their lives would intertwine even when separated.
[08:46.78]When the Russian army invaded,
[08:49.08]Amir and his father fled to the United States, California.
[08:55.35]Amir grew up in a different land,
[08:58.18]but with the same Afghanistan culture.
[09:02.10]He and his father became close.
[09:05.25]Amir married, went to college,
[09:07.84]all the while wondering what happened to his childhood friend,
[09:12.99]the one he betrayed.
[09:43.54]When the Russian army invaded,
[09:46.09]Amir and his father fled to the United States, California.
[09:58.90]Amir grew up in a different land,
[10:01.91]but with the same Afghanistan culture.
[10:10.93]He and his father became close.
[10:16.80]Amir married, went to college,
[10:23.39]all the while wondering what happened to his childhood friend,
[10:28.35]the one he betrayed.
[10:41.25]all the while 一直,始终
[10:43.51]The temperature is increasing all the while.
[10:49.69]all the time
[10:53.60]at whiles / once in a while 有时,偶尔
[11:06.65]"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini
[11:09.64]is one of those marvelous books
[11:12.55]that opens up our hearts and minds.
[11:15.74]This book puts a name
[11:17.30]and face to the people we are helping to free.
[11:21.38]This is a book at once so magnificent,
[11:25.16]it is difficult to comprehend and describe.
[11:29.32]How could we be fighting for freedom in this far off land,
[11:33.95]Afghanistan, and not understand the people;
[11:38.11]their heritage, their land and what they lost?
[11:44.26]The book transports us to a very different time in the 1960's.
[11:51.08]Amir and Hassan, friends, raised in the same household,
[11:56.04]but in different worlds.
[11:58.41]Amir is the son of a wealthy businessman,
[12:01.83]and Hassan is the son of the servant, Hazara.
[12:06.80]There may be a difference in the lives they led,
[12:09.83]but they became fast friends.
[12:13.73]Amir would learn to read and Hassan would not.
[12:18.12]Amir would have the most beautiful toys and particularly kites,
[12:24.17]and Hassan would be able to help Amir
[12:27.37]play with the toys and run (fly) his kite.
[12:31.97]Amir was the spoiled son,
[12:34.45]Hassan was the intelligent and intuitive servant's son.
[12:39.93]Their lives would intertwine even when separated.
[12:46.07]When the Russian army invaded,
[12:48.62]Amir and his father fled to the United States, California.
[12:54.54]Amir grew up in a different land,
[12:57.32]but with the same Afghanistan culture.
[13:01.21]He and his father became close.
[13:04.42]Amir married, went to college,
[13:07.10]all the while wondering what happened to his childhood friend,
[13:12.14]the one he betrayed.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intertwine [.intə'twain]


v. 纠缠,缠绕,编结

marvelous ['mɑ:viləs]


adj. 令人惊异的,了不起的,不平常的

intelligent [in'telidʒənt]


adj. 聪明的,智能的

runner ['rʌnə]


n. 赛跑的人,跑步者

separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开

intuitive [in'tju:itiv]


adj. 直觉的

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

comprehend [.kɔmpri'hend]


vt. 充分理解,包括

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧




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