来源: The Wall Street Journal 编辑:Vicki
风靡一时的拳王阿图鲁加蒂本周六早晨被发现死于 Galihnas 海边的一个豪华旅游胜地。调查人员向美联社透露这位次重量级拳击手的尸体在一个度假胜地的酒店房间内被发现,阿图鲁加蒂周五与自己的巴西妻子及一岁儿子抵达该处。目前警方正在进一步调查中,死因仍无法确定。一位当地警察透露阿图鲁加蒂在出事后8小时被人发现。
Former Boxing Champ Gatti Found Dead in Brazil
Former boxing champion Arturo Gatti, one of the most exciting fighters of his generation, was found dead in a hotel room in the posh(豪华的) seaside resort of Porto de Galihnas early Saturday.
Police investigator Edilson Alves told The Associated Press(美联社) that the body of the former junior welterweight (次重量级拳击手)champ was discovered in his hotel room at the tourist resort, where Mr. Gatti had arrived on Friday with his Brazilian wife Amanda and 1-year-old son.
Mr. Alves said police were investigating and it was unclear how the 37-year-old Canadian died.
"It is still too early to say anything concrete, although it is all very strange," Mr. Alves said.
A spokeswoman for the state public safety department said Gatti's wife and son were unhurt. The woman declined to give a name in keeping with department policy.
"There were no bullet (子弹)or stab wounds(刺伤) on his body, but police did find blood stains on the floor," she said.
Mr. Gatti first captured the junior welterweight title(初重量级冠军) in 1995, when he defeated Tracy Harris Patterson(麦蒂哈里斯帕特森) in Atlantic City, N.J. His brawling style and natural charisma made him a fan favorite, and he became one of New Jersey's adopted sons while fighting some of his most memorable(值得留恋的) battles on the Boardwalk.
"His entire boxing career he fought with us, we've known him since he was 17," Kathy Duva of promoter Main Events told The Associated Press. "It's just an unspeakable(无法用语言表达的) tragedy. I can't even find words. It's a horror."
Brazilian boxer and four-time world champion Acelino "Popo" Freitas told the G1 Web site of Brazil's largest television network Globo that he was a close friend of Gatti and his wife, and that he "knew they were having some sort of problem and were about to separate, but I didn't know they were in Brazil."
Francisco Assis, a local police investigator, told G1 that Mr. Gatti could have died up to eight hours before his body was found early Saturday.
Keke View:阿图鲁加蒂(Arturo Gatti,以下简称加蒂),绰号雷电(Thunder),级别次中量级(Welterweight),国籍加拿大,出生于1972年4月15日,擅使右手,职业战绩为共48场,40胜(其中31次击倒)-8负。
拳击界专业人士和拳击迷认为加蒂是当今最能使人热血沸腾的拳手之一。他1996年到1998年连续三年都有比赛被拳击杂志评为为当年的年度拳赛,他的兄弟乔加蒂(Joe Gatti)也是一位职业拳手。全美汽车比赛协会(NASCAR: National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing)的赛车手小戴尔恩哈德特 (Dale Earnhardt Jr.)是他的朋友之一。