1. Create a plan for each day--use the plan to organize your day, but don't be married to the plan--remain flexible.
2. Keep a list of your priorities in view. Measure your to-dos and planned actions against them.
3. Ask of each new task before you: "Who is the best person to be doing this task?"
4. Ask specifically for what you want, including conditions of satisfaction, and timeframes. Don't expect people to read your mind.
5. Skip the morning news on TV. It's primarily negative. Skip the late night news on TV. It's even more negative than the morning news. Go to sleep earlier, read, or write a journal.
不要看早间新闻, 它们大多是消极的。不看晚间新闻, 它们更消极。早点上床,阅读或写一篇日记。
6. Start each day with 30-60 minutes of reading--business, educational or inspirational.
7. Refine and clarify your vision. Where are your actions taking your organization?
8. Whatever you are currently complaining about--stop it.
9. Use the 80/20 rule to your advantage.
用80/20的准则对待你的收益。(注:80/20的准则——销售额的80%来自20%的客户或20%的产品,停止把你80%的时间花在只有20%生意的80%的顾客和产品上, 将你80%的时间化在带来80%生意的的顾客和产品上。)