About the author
Tao Yuanming (365-427) was a great poet during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and wasborn in Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province. Dissatisfied with the politics of histime, he resigned from his post as magistrate of Pengze County. He retired to his home village and lived there for the next twenty-three years till his death. "Going Home" was written on his retirement. In this piece of writing he notes his thought while traveling home to the pleasures of living in the village. The philosophy of submitting to the will of heaven and being contented with one's lot is probably the influence of Taoism.
罗经国,1930年生,上海人。先后肄业于圣约翰大学、清华大学,1955年北京大学英语系毕业,1961年北京大学研究生毕业,1978至1980年在美国任访问学者。自1961年起长期在北京大学英语系任教,讲授过“欧洲文学”、“英国文学选读”、“19世纪英国文学”、“20世纪英国文学” 等课程。曾先后任杨周翰等主编的两卷集《欧洲文学史》(1964,1971)的主要编者和李赋宁任总主编的四卷集《欧洲文学史》(1999)的第一卷主编。著作有《新编英国文学选读》、《狄更斯的创作》等,译作有四卷集的《世界文明史》、《人造人的故事》等。现为北京大学退休教授。