116.How would you describe your moral values?
117.How do you think you teach children moral values?
118.Who should talk to the children about sex and when?
119.What part do you think that you play in a child's education?
120.What is your opinion of paying child support and/or alimony?
121.What do you think makes successful people successful?
122.What is the first memory you have?
123.Did you have a pet growing up and which was your favorite?
124.What is the thing that you fear most?
125.What would change in your life if you had total responsibility for your life and could never blame anyone else for anything?
126.What is the one thing that you wish that I would tell you?
127.When do you think that it is OK to keep a secret and why?
128.Do you believe that there are degrees of a lie?
129. How do you feel about romantic destinations as a part of your lifestyle?