Breaking up is never easy. Here are some tips to help you get through this very painful time. For more detailed information about surviving a break up, you may want to read my article, Break-ups: How To Survive Them
* Acknowledge the loss
* Let yourself feel your feelings
* Be with the pain
* Know that you are not alone
* Get help if you need it
* Give yourself time to heal
* Remember that the healing process has its progressions and regressions
* Breathe!
* Get lots of rest
* Stick to your schedule
* Keep decision-making to a minimum
* It's OK to go through the motions in slow motion
* It's OK to need comforting
* Seek the support of others
* Find ways to be touched and hugged
* Find others who have survived a similar loss
* Surround yourself with things that are alive
* Know that Sundays are the worst
* Earlier losses may surface
* Be gentle with yourself
* Heal at your own pace
* It's OK to feel afraid, depressed, angry, guilty, or anything else that you feel
* Feed yourself nutrious food
* Remember, you're vulnerable
* Pamper yourself
* Keep a journal
* Let yourself heal fully
* Affirm yourself
* Laugh!
* Let go of the loss
* Praise yourself for having the courage to relate
* Start anew
* Invite new people into your life
* Develop new interests, and reconnect with your old ones
* Connect with old friends