Men with rugged(1) jaws and chiseled(2), masculine(3) facial features might have no problem getting dates but women don't always see them as marriage material, according to a U.S. study.
The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, found women may judge potential mates by how masculine their facial features are before getting to know them.
Researchers tested about 850 male and female undergraduates usually digitally altered pictures of male faces and found women viewed men with "masculine features" like prominent brow ridges and large jaws, as good short-term partners -- but saw them as more likely to cheat on a spouse(4) and get into fights.
Men with more "feminine features," such as rounder faces and fuller lips, were viewed as better long-term partners by female participants who would likely make better parents and husbands.
"Women's preferences depend on what type of partner she is looking for," said the study's author Daniel Kruger in a statement.
"She will prefer a highly masculine face for a short-term relationship where the potential genetic investment would be most important, and a more feminine face for a long-term relationship, where a stable, supportive relationship and ability and willingness to care for children would be more important."
Kruger said male participants in the study, which was published recently in the journal "Personal Relationships," drew similar conclusions based on men's facial features.
When they were asked to choose a person to accompany their girlfriend on a weekend trip or as a potential son-in-law, they opted for(5) men with more feminine features.
Kruger said according to this and other studies, the hormone testosterone(6) may play a role in explaining facial preferences although further study was needed.
Testosterone promotes the development of male facial and sexual features, including prominent brow lines and larger jaws, which may be characteristics women want to pass on to their children.
But at the same time, increased testosterone has been linked to violent behaviour and spousal cheating so as a result, women may want longer-term relationships with less-masculine looking men.
本研究作者Daniel Kruger在声明中说:“女性的偏好取决于她对伴侣的需求。”