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红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 18

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His Majesty shows magnanimous bounty. the Imperial consort Yuan pays a visit to her parents. The happiness of a family gathering. Pao-yue displays his polished talents.

But let us resume our story. A servant cameat this momentto report that for the works in course of executionthey were waiting for gauze and damask silk to paste on various articlesand that they requested lady Feng to go and open the depot for them to take the gauze and silkwhile another servant also came to ask lady Feng to open the treasury for them to receive the gold and silver ware. And as Madame Wangthe waiting-maids and the other domestics of the upper rooms had all no leisurePao-ch'ai suggested: "Don't let us remain in here and be in the way of their doing what there is to be doneand of going where they have to go," and saying thisshe betook herselfescorted by Pao-yue and the restinto Ying Ch'un's rooms.

Madame Wang continued day after day in a GREat state of flurry and confusionstraight up to within the tenth moonby which time every arrangement had been completedand the overseers had all handed in a clear statement of their accounts. The curios and writing materialswherever neededhad all already been laid out and everything got readyand the birdsand animals), from the storkthe deer and rabbits to the chickensgeese and the likehad all been purchased and handed over to be reared in the various localities in the gardenand over at Chia Se'shad also been learnt twenty miscellaneous playswhile a company of young nuns and Taoist priestesses had likewise the whole number of themmastered the intonation of Buddhist classics and incantations.

Chia Cheng after thisat lengthwas slightly composed in mindand cheerful at heartand having further invited dowager lady Chia and other inmates to go into the gardenhe deliberated with them onand made arrangements forevery detail in such a befitting manner that not the least trifle remained for which suitable provision had not been madeand Chia Cheng eventually mustered courage to indite a memorialand on the very day on which the memorial was presenteda decree was received fixing upon the fifteenth day of the first moon of the ensuing yearthe very day of the Shang Yuan festivalfor the honourable consorts to visit their homes.

Upon the receipt of this decreewith which the Chia family was honouredthey had still less leisureboth by day as well as by nightso much so that they could not even properly observe the new year festivities. But in a twinkle of the eyethe festival of the full moon of the first moon drew nearand beginning from the eighth day of the first mooneunuchs issued from the palace and inspected beforehand the various localitiesthe apartments in which the imperial consort was to change her costumethe place where she would spend her leisure momentsthe spot where she would receive the conventionalitiesthe premises where the banquets would be spreadthe quarters where she would retire for rest.

there were also eunuchs who came to assume the patrol of the grounds and the direction of the defencesand they brought along with them a good many minor eunuchswhose duty it was to look after the safety of the various localitiesto screen the place with enclosing curtainsto instruct the inmates and officials of the Chia mansion whither to go out and whence to come in fromwhat side the viands should be brought in fromwhere to report mattersand in the observance of every kind of etiquetteand for outside the mansionthere wereon the other handofficers from the Board of Worksand a superintendent of the Policeof the "Five Cities," in charge of the sweeping of the streets and roadsand the clearing away of loungers. While Chia She and the others superintended the workmen in such things as the manufacture of flowered lanterns and fireworks.

the fourteenth day arrived and everything was in orderbut on this nightone and all whether high or lowdid not get a wink of sleepand when the fifteenth cameevery oneat the fifth watchbeginning from dowager lady Chia and those who enjoyed any official statusappeared in full gala dressaccording to their respective ranks. In the gardenthe curtains wereby this timeflapping like dragonsthe portieres flying about like phoenixes with variegated plumage. Gold and silver glistened with splendour. Pearls and precious gems shed out their brilliant lustre. The tripod censers burnt the Pai-ho incense. In the vases were placed everGREens. Silence and stillness prevailedand not a man ventured so much as to cough.

Chia She and the other men were standing outside the door giving on to the street on the westand old lady Chia and the other ladies were outside the main entrance of the Jung mansion at the head of the streetwhile at the mouth of the lane were placed screens to rigorously obstruct the public gaze. They were unable to bear the fatigue of any further waiting whenat an unexpected momenta eunuch arrived on horsebackand Chia Cheng went up to meet himand ascertained what tidings he was the bearer of.

"It's as yet far too early," rejoined the eunuch, "for at one o'clockher highnesswill have her evening repastand at two she has to betake herself to the Palace of Precious Perception to worship Buddha. At fiveshe will enter the Palace of GREat Splendour to partake of a banquetand to see the lanternsafter whichshe will request His Majesty's permissionso thatI'm afraidit won't be earlier than seven before they set out."

Lady Feng's ear caught what was said. "If such be the case," she interposed, "may it please your venerable ladyshipand youmy ladyto return for a while to your apartmentsand waitand if you come when it's time you'll be here none too late."

Dowager lady Chia and the other ladies immediately left for a time and suited their own convenienceand as everything in the garden devolved upon lady Feng to superviseshe ordered the butlers to take the eunuchs and give them something to eat and drinkand at the same timeshe sent word that candles should be brought in and that the lanterns in the various places should be lit.

But unexpectedly was heard from outside the continuous patter of horses runningwhereupon about ten eunuchs hurried in gasping and out of breath. They clapped their handsand the several eunuchswho had come before), understanding the signaland knowing that the party had arrivedstood in their respective positionswhile Chia Sheat the head of all the men of the clanremained at the western street doorand dowager lady Chiaat the head of the female relatives of the familywaited outside the principal entrance to do the honours.

For a long intervaleverything was plunged in silence and quietwhen suddenly two eunuchs on horseback were espied advancing with leisurely step. Reaching the western street gatethey dismountedanddriving their horses beyond the screensthey forthwith took their stand facing the west. After another long intervala second couple arrivedand went likewise through the same proceedings. In a short timedrew near about ten coupleswhenat lengthwere heard the gentle strains of musicand couple by couple advanced with bannersdragonswith fans made with phoenix feathersand palace flabella of pheasant plumesand those besides who carried gold-washed censers burning imperial incense. Next in order was brought past a state umbrella of golden yellowwith crooked handle and embroidered with seven phoenixesafter which quickly followed the crownrobegirdle and shoes.

there were likewise eunuchswho took a part in the processionholding scented handkerchiefs and embroidered towelscups for rinsing the mouthdusters and other such objectsand company after company went pastwhenat the rearapproached with stately step eight eunuchs carrying an imperial sedan chairof golden yellowwith a gold knob and embroidered with phoenixes.

Old lady Chia and the other members of the family hastily fell on their kneesbut a eunuch came over at once to raise her ladyship and the restand the imperial chair was thereupon carried through the main entrancethe ceremonial gate and into a court on the eastern sideat the door of which stood a eunuchwho prostrated himself and invitedher highnessto dismount and change her costume.

Having forthwith carried her inside the gatethe eunuchs dispersedand only the maids-of-honour and ladies-in-waiting ushered Yuan Ch'un out of the chairwhen what mainly attracted her eye in the park was the brilliant lustre of the flowered lamps of every colourall of which were made of gauze or damaskand were beautiful in textureand out of the common runwhile on the upper side was a flat lantern with the inscription in four characters, "Regardedby His Majesty'sbenevolence and permeated by his benefits."

Yuan Ch'un entered the apartment and effected the necessary changes in her toiletteafter whichshe again eGREssedandmounting her chairshe made her entry into the gardenwhen she perceived the smoke of incense whirling and twirlingand the reflection of the flowers confusing the eyes. Far and widethe rays of lightshed by the lanternsintermingled their brilliancywhilefrom time to timefine strains of music sounded with clamorous din. But it would be impossible to express adequately the perfect harmony in the aspect of this sceneand the grandeur of affluence and splendour.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
concentrated ['kɔnsentreitid]


adj. 全神贯注的,浓缩的 动词concentrate

vigilance ['vidʒiləns]


n. 警戒,警惕

draft [dræft]


n. 草稿,草图,汇票,徵兵
vt. 起草,征

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

ascend [ə'send]


v. 上升,攀登

admiration [.ædmə'reiʃən]


n. 钦佩,赞赏

confusion [kən'fju:ʒən]


n. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态

gratitude ['grætitju:d]


n. 感恩之心

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

signal ['signl]


n. 信号,标志
v. (发信号)通知、表示<





