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自然的力量 第9期:革命的两面性

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  • In August 1792, the monarchy had been overthrown, and a revolutionary republic created in its place.
  • 1792年8月,君主政体被推翻,代之成立的是革命中的共和国。
  • A month later, when Prussian and Austrian armies invaded from the east, the paranoia became bloody.
  • 一个月后,普鲁士和奥地利军队从东面入侵,雅各宾派露出了狰狞的面目。
  • 1,400 men and women held in Paris prisons were demonised as a fifth column and butchered in cold blood.
  • 巴黎监狱中关押的1400名男女被诬陷为间谍,遭到冷酷屠杀。
  • In the 21st century, we reckon we know all about the split personality of revolutions, the transformation from the smiling face of liberty into the ugly reality of a terror and a police state.
  • 在二十一世纪,我们认识到我们当然知道革命本身的两面性,从自由的笑脸转变到丑陋的现实,推行恐怖行为,建立警察国家。
  • But at the end of the 18th century, no one was reading "A Rough Guide to Revolution",
  • 但在十八世纪末期,没有人读过"革命简易指南",
  • especially not its most passionate enthusiast, who'd witnessed first hand the days of flowers and freedom and fraternity, and for whom the slogan of liberty and equality was a natural partnership.
  • 特别是那些热情高涨的革命者,那些亲眼目睹过鲜花、自由和友爱时期,那些与自由与平等的口号同生共存的人。
  • To begin with, Mary shared the company and the optimism of expatriate Americans, Irish, English and Scots, who met at White's Hotel in Paris.
  • 玛丽开始与那些在巴黎怀特酒店遇到的美国、英国、爱尔兰、苏格兰侨民结交友谊,传播向上的精神。
  • In the first flush of revolutionary bliss, a little spilt blood wasn't going to spoil the rapture of freedom.
  • 在革命第一次带来的喜悦中,少许的血腥并不能掩盖获得自由的狂喜。
  • Mary herself wrote: Children of any growth will do mischief when they meddle with edged tools.
  • 玛丽如是写道:成长中的孩子都不免在拿刀动斧时做出伤人之事。
  • But then, as the despotism of the Crown was replaced by the despotism of a police state, doubts began to creep in.
  • 但是紧接着,王权的专制被警察国家的专制取代,疑问由此滋生。
  • Just a few weeks after she arrived, Mary saw Louis XVI going to his trial.
  • 就在她抵达法国的几周后,玛丽便见证了路易十六接受审讯的一幕。
  • Unaccountably, she found herself weeping at the dignity of his composure. It wasn't at all what she'd expected.
  • 不知怎么,她发觉自己被他的镇定自若打动。这与她所想相距甚远。
  • Ironically, even the foremost spokesman for radical politics came under suspicion.
  • 讽刺的是,就连激进派的首要发言人也遭到质疑。
  • In the summer of 1793, Tom Paine went from being a local hero to a pariah.
  • 1793年的夏天,汤姆·潘恩由当地的英雄沦为一介贱民。
  • He'd blotted his copybook some months earlier, during the debates over the sentencing of Louis XVI.
  • 几个月前在关于路易十六的论战中,他已将自己置于不利的境地。
  • Even though Paine was the most famous anti-monarchist, he'd argued very bravely and very recklessly that since Louis was now an irrelevance, why sentence him to death?
  • 即便潘恩是最著名的反君主制者,他仍勇敢且不遗余力地为其辩护,他认为既然路易十六已无关紧要,为何还要置他于死地呢?
  • He'd also said that a really free republic owed it even to its worst enemies to protect them against oppression.
  • 他同时说,一个真正自由的共和国在于保护任何人免于压迫,哪怕是死敌。
  • Well, this not only made him unpopular, but dangerously undesirable.
  • 这些言论不但使他丧失了拥护,还为他贴上了危险分子的标签。
  • And in the summer, the chickens came home to roost. Paine was arrested and locked up in the Luxembourg Prison over there.
  • 同年夏天,厄运降临。潘恩被逮捕,关押在我身后的的卢森堡监狱。
  • He was saved from the guillotine only by an absolutely fantastic accident.
  • 他之所以幸免于难,仅仅缘于一个绝妙的意外。
  • When somebody was about to get the chop, someone came round and marked a cross on the door of their cell.
  • 在实施死刑前,会有人到罪犯的牢房门前画上一个十字。
  • In Paine's particular case, the doors happen to have been open, so that the cross was made on the inside of the door.
  • 在给潘恩画十字时,牢房门恰好是开着的,因此十字被画在了门的背面。
  • When the doors shut, that cross was invisible. Paine escaped his date with the "National Razor" called by a freak of fate.
  • 把门关上后,十字便看不见了。潘恩就这样幸免于断头台。


In August 1792, the monarchy had been overthrown, and a revolutionary republic created in its place.

A month later, when Prussian and Austrian armies invaded from the east, the paranoia became bloody.
1,400 men and women held in Paris prisons were demonised as a fifth column and butchered in cold blood.
In the 21st century, we reckon we know all about the split personality of revolutions, the transformation from the smiling face of liberty into the ugly reality of a terror and a police state.
But at the end of the 18th century, no one was reading "A Rough Guide to Revolution",
especially not its most passionate enthusiast, who'd witnessed first hand the days of flowers and freedom and fraternity, and for whom the slogan of liberty and equality was a natural partnership.
To begin with, Mary shared the company and the optimism of expatriate Americans, Irish, English and Scots, who met at White's Hotel in Paris.
In the first flush of revolutionary bliss, a little spilt blood wasn't going to spoil the rapture of freedom.
Mary herself wrote: Children of any growth will do mischief when they meddle with edged tools.
But then, as the despotism of the Crown was replaced by the despotism of a police state, doubts began to creep in.
Just a few weeks after she arrived, Mary saw Louis XVI going to his trial.
Unaccountably, she found herself weeping at the dignity of his composure. It wasn't at all what she'd expected.


Ironically, even the foremost spokesman for radical politics came under suspicion.

In the summer of 1793, Tom Paine went from being a local hero to a pariah.
He'd blotted his copybook some months earlier, during the debates over the sentencing of Louis XVI.
Even though Paine was the most famous anti-monarchist, he'd argued very bravely and very recklessly that since Louis was now an irrelevance, why sentence him to death?
He'd also said that a really free republic owed it even to its worst enemies to protect them against oppression.
Well, this not only made him unpopular, but dangerously undesirable.
And in the summer, the chickens came home to roost. Paine was arrested and locked up in the Luxembourg Prison over there.
He was saved from the guillotine only by an absolutely fantastic accident.
When somebody was about to get the chop, someone came round and marked a cross on the door of their cell.
In Paine's particular case, the doors happen to have been open, so that the cross was made on the inside of the door.
When the doors shut, that cross was invisible. Paine escaped his date with the "National Razor" called by a freak of fate.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
revolution [.revə'lu:ʃən]


n. 革命,旋转,转数

bliss [blis]


n. 福佑,天赐的福

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

terror ['terə]


n. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物

transformation [.trænsfə'meiʃən]


n. 转型,转化,改造

spoil [spɔil]


n. 战利品,奖品
v. 宠坏,溺爱,破坏,腐

paranoia [.pærə'nɔiə]


n. 偏执狂,妄想狂

dignity ['digniti]


n. 尊严,高贵,端庄

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

meddle ['medl]


vi. 干预,干涉,插手





