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编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Conservationists generally disapprove of flooding species-rich habitats.
  • 自然保护者通常不赞成淹没物种丰富的栖息地。
  • But the law of unintended consequences works in mysterious ways.
  • 但意外后果定律却以神秘的方式发挥作用。
  • For it was just such a flood, in 1913, that created Barro Colorado Island in central Panama.
  • 1913年,正是这样的一场洪水造就了巴拿马中部的巴罗科罗拉多岛。
  • Gatun, the lake surrounding the island, was, at the time of its birth, the largest artificial body of water in the world. It formed the middle passage of the Panama Canal.
  • 环绕该岛的加通湖在诞生时是世界上最大的人工湖。它构成了巴拿马运河的中段通道。
  • Barro Colorado, meanwhile, has become the most intensively scrutinised scrap of tropical rainforest on Earth.
  • 与此同时,巴罗科罗拉多已成为地球上得到最深入研究的热带雨林。
  • The field station from which this scrutiny is conducted opened in 1924, and in 1946 it was taken over by the Smithsonian Institution, which dubbed the operation the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI).
  • 进行此项研究的野外站于1924年开放,1946年被史密森学会接管,史密森学会将其命名为史密森热带研究所(STRI)。
  • Since then, the island, and some neighbouring areas of forest on the mainland that have fallen under the STRI's auspices, have turned into biology's equivalent of a big physics facility like CERN, the home of the Large Hadron Collider.
  • 从那时起,该岛和一些STRI管辖下的大陆上的邻近森林地区,就变成了生物学领域的大型物理设施,和大型强子对撞机所在地欧洲核子研究组织(CERN)相当。
  • Though the STRI itself employs only 35 scientists, a further 1,200 visit each year, many of whom are regulars.
  • 尽管STRI只雇用了35名科学家,但每年还有1200名科学家来访,其中许多人都是常客。
  • To mark the field station's centenary, a horde of old hands and enthusiastic youngsters gathered on June 18th in Gamboa, the island's nearest town, for three days of festivities to celebrate the past and plot the future.
  • 为了纪念该野外站成立一百周年,6月18日,一群老手和热情的年轻人聚集在岛上最近的城镇甘博阿,举行了为期三天的庆祝活动,庆祝过去并规划未来。
  • They discussed everything from how new species arise and the effect of lightning on insect ecology, to tropical forests' role in curbing climate change.
  • 他们讨论了新物种如何出现、闪电对昆虫生态的影响、热带森林在遏制气候变化中的作用等问题。
  • Biology's hundred-year scrutiny of Barro Colorado means its wildlife has been recorded in exquisite detail.
  • 生物学家对巴罗科罗拉多岛进行了一百年的仔细研究,详细记录了岛上的野生动物。
  • The current roll lists 110 species of mammal (70% of which are bats), 384 birds, 33 frogs and toads, two salamanders, 23 lizards, 41 snakes, more than 400 ants, some 600 butterflies, 10,000 beetles and even 100 cockroaches. There are also 1,400 species of plants.
  • 目前名单上列出了110种哺乳动物(其中70%是蝙蝠)、384种鸟类、33种青蛙和蟾蜍、两种蝾螈、23种蜥蜴、41种蛇、400多种蚂蚁、约600种蝴蝶、10000种甲虫,甚至还有100种蟑螂。此外还有1400种植物。
  • Given this abundance, it is hardly surprising that the place has been the source of several fundamental ecological findings, and many new techniques of observation.
  • 鉴于物种丰富,这个地方成为多项基本生态学发现和许多新观察技术的来源也就不足为奇了。
  • Early on, for example, it provided the first good test of the idea that the number of species a patch of habitat can support depends on its area.
  • 例如,早期它首次验证了“一片栖息地蕴含的物种数量取决于其面积”。
  • The so-called species-area relationship predicted that Barro Colorado's sudden isolation would cause local extinctions. Which it did.
  • 所谓的物种-面积关系预测巴罗科罗拉多的突然孤立将导致局部物种灭绝。事实也确实如此。
  • Ornithologists saw bird species dwindle in number by more than a quarter, while remaining unchanged in similar habitats on the mainland.
  • 鸟类学家发现该岛屿鸟类物种数量减少了四分之一以上,而在大陆的类似栖息地中则保持不变。
  • Among other things, that result demonstrates the value of scale, if nature reserves are to be effective.
  • 除此之外,这一结果还表明,如果自然保护区要发挥作用,规模必须大。
  • Barro Colorado also hosted the first serious study of wild primates (howler monkeys, by Clarence Ray Carpenter in the 1930s), the first big field investigation of echolocation in bats (by Donald Griffin in the 1950s),
  • 巴罗科罗拉多岛还首次研究野生灵长类动物(克拉伦斯·雷·卡彭特于20世纪30年代研究吼猴)、首次对蝙蝠回声定位进行大型实地调查(唐纳德·格里芬于20世纪50年代进行),
  • and the first attempt to attach numbers to the obvious truth that the tropics support more species of creepy-crawly than temperate climes do.
  • 以及首次尝试用数字来说明这一显而易见的事实,即热带地区比温带地区有更多的爬行动物。
  • This was launched in 1971, by Terry Erwin, an entomologist who "fogged" tree canopies on the island with insecticide, collected what fell out, and recorded the arthropods he found in each tree type.
  • 该项目于1971年由昆虫学家特里·欧文发起,他用杀虫剂“喷洒”岛上的树冠,收集掉落的虫子,并记录他在每种树中发现的节肢动物。
  • Combining this information with estimates of the number of tree species around the world, he concluded that Earth supported about 30 million sorts of insects and other terrestrial arthropods.
  • 结合这些信息和对全球树种数量的估计,他得出结论,地球上养育了约3000万种昆虫和其他陆生节肢动物。
  • The current calculation is about a quarter of this, so it was not a bad estimate. The island's plants have not been neglected.
  • 目前的计算结果约为这个数字的四分之一,所以这个估计还不错。岛上的植物研究并没有被排除在外。
  • Between 1981 and 1983 a block of 50 of its 1,560 hectares was surveyed in detail by Robin Foster and Stephen Hubbell, to record the location and species of every tree and shrub with a stem-diameter of more than 1 centimetre (initially, these numbered 242,000).
  • 1981年至1983年间,罗宾·福斯特(Robin Foster)和斯蒂芬·哈贝尔(Stephen Hubbell)详细勘测了1560公顷土地中的50公顷,记录了每棵茎直径超过1厘米的树木和灌木的位置和种类(最初有242000棵)。
  • The Forest Dynamics Plot, as it is known, has since been resurveyed every five years, permitting the life cycles of many woody plants to be understood in far better detail than was previously possible.
  • 此后,森林动态图每五年重新勘测一次,使人们能够比以前更详细地了解许多木本植物的生命周期。
  • It has also inspired the establishment of 77 similar plots in forests around the world, both tropical and temperate, containing 7 million specimens of 13,000 species.
  • 受其启发,世界各地的热带森林和温带森林已建立了77个类似的动态图,其中包含13000个物种的700万个样本。
  • On top of all this, the STRIhas itself provided a salutary example of the social evolution of American science over the past century.
  • 除此之外,STRI也为过去一个世纪美国科学的社会演化提供了范例。
  • The field station's founders were men carved in the image of Theodore Roosevelt, the American president whose methods for getting the Panama Canal built included involving his country in a minor war.
  • 该野外站的创始人是西奥多·罗斯福式的人物,这位美国总统为了修建巴拿马运河,不惜让美国卷入一场小规模战争。
  • (The old-boy culture endured, as sexual-misconduct allegations revealed in 2021 made plain.)
  • (老罗斯福的文化经久不衰,正如2021年披露的性侵指控所表明的那样。)
  • Today, though, the institute has become—fittingly—more representative of human diversity.
  • 然而,今天,该研究所已经更能代表人类的多样性。
  • It is one thing to measure and describe the luxuriant biodiversity of the tropics, though, and quite another to explain it. Speciation's details can be hard to demonstrate.
  • 然而,测量和描述热带地区丰富的生物多样性是一回事,解释它又是另一回事。物种形成的细节可能很难证明。


Conservationists generally disapprove of flooding species-rich habitats.


But the law of unintended consequences works in mysterious ways.


For it was just such a flood, in 1913, that created Barro Colorado Island in central Panama.


Gatun, the lake surrounding the island, was, at the time of its birth, the largest artificial body of water in the world. It formed the middle passage of the Panama Canal.


Barro Colorado, meanwhile, has become the most intensively scrutinised scrap of tropical rainforest on Earth.


The field station from which this scrutiny is conducted opened in 1924, and in 1946 it was taken over by the Smithsonian Institution, which dubbed the operation the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI).


Since then, the island, and some neighbouring areas of forest on the mainland that have fallen under the STRI's auspices, have turned into biology's equivalent of a big physics facility like CERN, the home of the Large Hadron Collider.


Though the STRI itself employs only 35 scientists, a further 1,200 visit each year, many of whom are regulars.


To mark the field station's centenary, a horde of old hands and enthusiastic youngsters gathered on June 18th in Gamboa, the island's nearest town, for three days of festivities to celebrate the past and plot the future.


They discussed everything from how new species arise and the effect of lightning on insect ecology, to tropical forests' role in curbing climate change.


Biology's hundred-year scrutiny of Barro Colorado means its wildlife has been recorded in exquisite detail.


The current roll lists 110 species of mammal (70% of which are bats), 384 birds, 33 frogs and toads, two salamanders, 23 lizards, 41 snakes, more than 400 ants, some 600 butterflies, 10,000 beetles and even 100 cockroaches. There are also 1,400 species of plants.


Given this abundance, it is hardly surprising that the place has been the source of several fundamental ecological findings, and many new techniques of observation.


Early on, for example, it provided the first good test of the idea that the number of species a patch of habitat can support depends on its area.


The so-called species-area relationship predicted that Barro Colorado's sudden isolation would cause local extinctions. Which it did.


Ornithologists saw bird species dwindle in number by more than a quarter, while remaining unchanged in similar habitats on the mainland.


Among other things, that result demonstrates the value of scale, if nature reserves are to be effective.


Barro Colorado also hosted the first serious study of wild primates (howler monkeys, by Clarence Ray Carpenter in the 1930s), the first big field investigation of echolocation in bats (by Donald Griffin in the 1950s),


and the first attempt to attach numbers to the obvious truth that the tropics support more species of creepy-crawly than temperate climes do.


This was launched in 1971, by Terry Erwin, an entomologist who "fogged" tree canopies on the island with insecticide, collected what fell out, and recorded the arthropods he found in each tree type.


Combining this information with estimates of the number of tree species around the world, he concluded that Earth supported about 30 million sorts of insects and other terrestrial arthropods.


The current calculation is about a quarter of this, so it was not a bad estimate. The island's plants have not been neglected.


Between 1981 and 1983 a block of 50 of its 1,560 hectares was surveyed in detail by Robin Foster and Stephen Hubbell, to record the location and species of every tree and shrub with a stem-diameter of more than 1 centimetre (initially, these numbered 242,000).

1981年至1983年间,罗宾·福斯特(Robin Foster)和斯蒂芬·哈贝尔(Stephen Hubbell)详细勘测了1560公顷土地中的50公顷,记录了每棵茎直径超过1厘米的树木和灌木的位置和种类(最初有242000棵)。

The Forest Dynamics Plot, as it is known, has since been resurveyed every five years, permitting the life cycles of many woody plants to be understood in far better detail than was previously possible.


It has also inspired the establishment of 77 similar plots in forests around the world, both tropical and temperate, containing 7 million specimens of 13,000 species.


On top of all this, the STRIhas itself provided a salutary example of the social evolution of American science over the past century.


The field station's founders were men carved in the image of Theodore Roosevelt, the American president whose methods for getting the Panama Canal built included involving his country in a minor war.


(The old-boy culture endured, as sexual-misconduct allegations revealed in 2021 made plain.)


Today, though, the institute has becomefittinglymore representative of human diversity.


It is one thing to measure and describe the luxuriant biodiversity of the tropics, though, and quite another to explain it. Speciation's details can be hard to demonstrate.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
scrap [skræp]


n. 碎片,废品
vt. 舍弃,报废

ecological [.ekə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 生态的,生态学的

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

equivalent [i'kwivələnt]


adj. 等价的,相等的
n. 相等物

terrestrial [ti'restriəl]


n. 地球上的人 adj. 地球的,地上的

shrub [ʃrʌb]


n. 灌木
n. 果汁甜酒

insecticide [in'sektisaid]


n. 杀虫剂

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

tropical ['trɔpikəl]


adj. 热带的,炎热的,热带植物的

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制





