Didi, a popular ride-hailing app, was removed from application stores after the Cyberspace Administration of China verified a report about its illegal collection and use of personal information on Sunday.
illegal collection and use of personal information是违法收集使用个人信息。
国家互联网信息办公室周日晚间发布声明表示,滴滴出行App严重违法违规(seriously violated laws and regulations),依据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》(in accordance with the Cybersecurity Law)相关规定,通知应用商店下架该应用程序(remove the app),要求滴滴出行科技有限公司严格按照法律要求,参照(in relation to)国家有关标准(national standards),认真整改存在的问题,切实保障广大用户个人信息安全(protect the safety of its users' information)。
滴滴出行周日回应称,其将认真整改(rectify the problems),不断提升风险防范意识(raise its awareness of risk prevention)和技术能力(technical ability),持续保护用户隐私和数据安全(protect its users' personal information and data),防范网络安全风险(protect users from internet safety risks),持续为用户提供安全便捷的服务(provide safe and convenient service)。
滴滴已于7月3日暂停新用户注册(suspended registrations by new users)。已下载滴滴App的用户可正常使用(use it normally),乘客的出行和司机师傅的接单不受影响。