After being shuttered for nearly six months, China's cinemas — which have the most screens in the world — will steadily reopen in the low-risk areas under COVID-19 prevention protocols from July 20, said China Film Administration, the country's top sector regulator.
low-risk areas是低风险地区;prevention protocols是防控措施。
国家电影局周四下发的通知指出,中高风险地区(medium- and high-risk areas)暂不开放营业。
通知要求,在售票方式上,全部采取网络实名预约(reserved online with providing the buyers' identities)、无接触方式售票;实行交叉隔座售票(all tickets sold in alternative seats),保证陌生观众间距1米以上(sit at least 1 meter far away from the nearest strange viewers);进电影院必须全程佩戴口罩(wear masks during the entire screening);每场上座率不得超过30%,影厅内原则上禁止饮食(snacks or drinks);控制观影时间,每场不超过两个小时(the film's length no longer than two hours)等。
许多网民涌向媒体或个人发起的各种线上民调(online polls),列出他们最期待看到的新片,其中大多为原定春节假期(Spring Festival holiday)上映的大片(blockbusters)。
去年上半年,中国1万多家影院的近7万块银幕(screens)的票房收入(box office receipts)高达311亿元人民币(44亿美元)。
全国院线于1月24日暂停营业,截至6月30日,今年全国票房(ticket revenue)定格在22.42亿元,比去年上半年的311亿元暴跌93%。